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发布时间:2020-11-19 01:03
   当前高中英语教育正面临新一轮课改,提出了本学科的核心素养。同时,以往的研究发现,高中英语教师的课堂提问也有一些不足之处,如难度控制不当,缺乏逻辑性。而实习教师作为教师的新生力量,由于缺乏经验,在实习过程中存在机械遵照教案上课,不善灵活利用课堂生成资源的现象。因而本研究通过质性研究与量化研究相结合的方式,对实习教师高中英语阅读课中的预设性提问与生成性提问加以研究。本研究以八位在南京四星级高中实习的实习教师的九堂英语阅读课为研究对象,通过跟踪其备课过程,收集其教案和课件,转写、分析其课堂录音与记录其课后访谈,揭示了高中英语实习教师英语阅读课中预设性提问与生成性提问的分布比例及其在不同教学环节中的分布情况;探讨了实习教师课堂中预设性目标的达成情况及其背后的原因;分析了实习教师课堂中生成性提问的生成点。研究结果表明:高中英语实习教师的阅读课堂中预设性提问多于生成性提问;预设性提问和生成性提问均在课文讲解环节所占比重最多。多数实习教师不能完成其预设的教学目标,原因有三点:1)实习教师对课堂掌控过多,留下的生成空间少;2)实习教师课堂管理能力不足;3)实习教师设置预设性提问时对问题难度把握不当。实习教师课堂中生成性提问的生成点主要有三个:1)教学内容与学生现实生活相关联时;2)师生之间存在异议时;3)师生之间存在信息差时。据此,研究者对实习教师及新教师提出如下建议:1)课前进行精确和充分的预设;2) 了解课堂中生成性提问的生成点并合理利用;3)发展教师自身的提问技巧。
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Research
        1.1.1 The Current Situation in High School English Classroom
        1.1.2 The Request of the Revolution of Basic Education
        1.1.3 The Requirements of Teachers' Professional Development
    1.2 Significance of the Research
    1.3 Structure of the Research
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Classroom Questioning
        2.1.1 Definition of Classroom Questioning
        2.1.2 Classification of Classroom Questioning
        2.1.3 Function of Classroom Questioning
        2.1.4 Studies about Classroom Questioning at Home
    2.2 Theoretical Framework
        2.2.1 The Presupposition and Generation
        2.2.2 The Interaction Hypothesis
        2.2.3 The Constructivism Learning Theory
    2.3 Planned Questions and Unplanned Questions
        2.3.1 Definition of Planned Questions and Unplanned Questions
        2.3.2 Researches about Planned Questions and Unplanned Questions
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Purposes and Questions
    3.2 Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Classroom Observation
        3.3.2 Interview
    3.4 Data Collection and Analysis
        3.4.1 Data Collection
        3.4.2 Data Analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 The Distribution of Planned Questions and Unplanned Questions in StudentTeachers' Classes
        4.1.1 The Distribution of Planned Questions and Unplanned Questions inDifferent Student Teachers' Classes
        4.1.2 The Distribution of Planned Questions and Unplanned Questions inDifferent Teaching Processes
    4.2 The Achievement of the Presupposed Teaching Goals in Student Teachers'Classes
    4.3 The Generation Situation of Unplanned Questions
        4.3.1 Learning Content Related to the Real Life of Students
        4.3.2 Disagreement between Teachers and Students
        4.3.3 Information Gap between Teachers and Students
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Implications of the Present Study
        5.2.1 Precise and Sufficient Presupposition before Class
        5.2.2 Knowledge about the Generation Situations of Unplanned Questions
        5.2.3 Development of Questioning Tact
    5.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Researches
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3


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