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发布时间:2020-12-16 22:13
  词汇被认为是外语学习中最重要的一部分,词汇知识既是语言知识的核心,也是习得语言的关键。根据新大学英语课程标准提出的要求,新的教学方法应当采取传统教育方法与现代技术结合的方式进行,并且要充分利用网络资源。因此,基于语料库的数据驱动学习法在大学英语学习的领域中颇受关注。数据驱动学习法(Data-driven Learning简称DDL)基于语料库,具有语境共现特征,教师可以参照语境共现索引行所提供的信息,设计活动与练习,引导学生基于大量真实的语料观察、概括、归纳语言使用现象,探索语法规则、意义表达以及语用特征。根据先前的研究,它的潜在意义仍需深入研究。本研究以检验数据驱动学习法指导下的大学生英语词汇深度知识的掌握情况,重点关注词汇深度知识的三个方面:词语搭配、不同语境中单词的意义以及词汇语法结构;同时本研究探讨学生接受数据驱动学习法之后的词汇学习策略使用方面的变化。在本次教学实验中,实验对象是来自56名非英语专业的大二学生,他们在同一所大学就读于两个平行班。为了回答本实验的两个研究问题,涉及到的研究工具包括前测、后测,问卷以及访谈,同时利用SPSS 23.0软件对得到的数据进行分析。通过对... 


【文章页数】:128 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 The Background of the Study
    1.2 The Significance of the Study
    1.3 The Purpose of the Study
    1.4 The Overall Structure of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Data-driven Learning
        2.1.1 The Definition of Data-driven Learning
        2.1.2 The Characteristics of Data-driven Learning
        2.1.3 The Classification of Data-driven Learning
    2.2 English Vocabulary Learning
        2.2.1 Introduction of Vocabulary Learning
        2.2.2 Introduction of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies
    2.3 Relevant Theories on Data-driven Learning
        2.3.1 Corpus and Corpus Linguistics
        2.3.2 Lexical Grammar Theory
        2.3.3 Context Theory
    2.4 Previous Studies of Related Issues
        2.4.1 Studies on DDL and English Vocabulary Learning Abroad
        2.4.2 Studies on DDL and English Vocabulary Learning at Home
Chapter 3 Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Subjects
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Pre-test
        3.3.2 Post-test
        3.3.3 Questionnaires
        3.3.4 Interview
    3.4 Pilot Study
    3.5 Experimental Procedure
    3.6 Data Collection and Analysis
        3.6.1 Data Collection
        3.6.2 Data Analysis
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results
        4.1.1 Results of the Pre-test
        4.1.2 Results of the Post-test
        4.1.3 Results of the Questionnaires
        4.1.4 Results of the Interview
    4.2 Discussion
        4.2.1 Discussion on the Effects of DDL on Students' English VocabularyLearning Performance
        4.2.2 Discussion on the Effects of Students' Vocabulary Learning StrategiesBased on DDL Approach
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications
    5.3 Limitations of the Study
    5.4 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I




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