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Teacher Intervention in Teaching EFL Summary Writing in High

发布时间:2020-12-19 21:44


【文章页数】:81 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
        1.1.1.Rise of Read-to-write Tasks
        1.1.2.Summary Writing in English Tests
        1.1.3.EFL Writing Teaching and Learning
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Summary Writing
        2.1.1 Definition of Summary
        2.1.2 Several Variables Influencing Summary Writing
        2.1.3 Criteria for Summary Writing
        2.1.4 Requirements in English Curriculum Standard for High School (2017)
        2.1.5 The Effects of Summary Writing on Reading Comprehension
    2.2 Teacher Intervention
    2.3 Theoretical Foundation
        2.3.1 Comprehensible Input Hypothesis
        2.3.2 Comprehensible Output Hypothesis
        2.3.3 Process Writing Approach
        2.3.4 Collaborative writing
    2.4 Studies on the Approaches to Summary Writing Teaching
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Research Design
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Subjects
        3.2.1 Students
        3.2.2 Teachers
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Tests
        3.3.2 Questionnaire
        3.3.3 Interview
    3.4 Research Procedure
    3.5 Sample Teaching Practices
        3.5.1 Teacher Intervention in Analyzing the Text Structure
        3.5.2 Teacher Intervention in Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details
        3.5.3 Teacher Intervention in Language Use
    3.6 Data Collection
        3.6.1 Tests
        3.6.2 Questionnaire
        3.6.3 Interview
    3.7 Data Analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results of the Tests
        4.1.1 Results of the pre-test and post-test
        4.1.2 Discussion of the Results
    4.2 Results of the Questionnaires
    4.3 Results of the Interview
    4.4 Discussions
Chapter Five Conclusions
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications
        5.2.1 Improve Reading Comprehension
        5.2.2 Improve the Use of Language
        5.2.3 Adopt the Four-step Strategies
    5.3 Limitations of the Research
    5.4 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix A:Pre-questionnaire
Appendix B:Post-questionnaire
Appendix C:Summary Writing Source Texts
Appendix D:Students’Scores in Pre-test and Post-test
Appendix E:Excerpt from the Transcript of the Interviews

[1]例谈高中英语概要写作教学[J]. 陈赞招.  新课程研究(下旬刊). 2017(10)
[2]高中英语概要写作中的常见问题与教学对策[J]. 陈思算,张强.  基础外语教育. 2017(04)
[3]建构式概要写作在高中英语教学中的尝试[J]. 夏存昌.  英语广场. 2017(09)
[4]高中英语概要写作“PWDC”模式的尝试——以3种常用体裁为例[J]. 仲健.  英语教师. 2017(14)
[5]概要写作在高中英语教学中的实践[J]. 韩媛媛.  基础外语教育. 2017(03)
[6]概要写作在高中英语中的教学策略[J]. 周洲.  新课程(中学). 2017(05)
[7]浅析英语新高考概要写作之问题与对策[J]. 杨水琴.  考试周刊. 2017(26)
[8]例谈“起承转合”式高中英语概要写作模式的创建[J]. 刘丽娟.  海外英语. 2017(04)
[9]高中英语概要写作REPAW模式的运用[J]. 陈吉凤,王莉红.  英语教师. 2017(05)
[10]浅析高考新题型概要写作的问题和策略[J]. 袁晓英.  校园英语. 2017(09)

[1]PBL在高中英语写作教学中的应用[D]. 郭林童.山东师范大学 2015
[2]基于体裁教学的高中英语概要写作的实证研究[D]. 程曼露.江西师范大学 2015
[3]一项关于过程体裁法对研究生英语写作效用的实证研究[D]. 高洁萍.江西师范大学 2014
[4]摘要写作对高中生英语阅读理解的影响[D]. 吴文芳.扬州大学 2012
[5]任务型教学在高中英语写作中的应用[D]. 颜文珠.华东师范大学 2010
[6]“过程体裁法”在高中英语写作教学中的有效性研究[D]. 段湘萍.华东师范大学 2010
[7]初中语文阅读写作一体化教学方法初探[D]. 王艳娟.东北师范大学 2010
[8]任务型教学在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 杨行胜.华东师范大学 2008
[9]任务型教学法在高中英语写作教学中的应用[D]. 徐程.华东师范大学 2008
[10]语文阅读教学中渗透写作学习策略研究[D]. 黄丹琦.东北师范大学 2007




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