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发布时间:2020-12-23 05:04
  自我效能和写作策略是影响写作成绩的重要因素,该研究以班杜拉自我效能感理论和写作策略理论为基础,旨在探究英语专业学生写作自我效能感、写作策略、写作成绩之间的关系。选取了青岛科技大学英语专业的二年级学生作为受试者,以调查问卷、写作测试为研究工具来收集数据,采用Excel 2019、SPSS 20两个软件来分析数据。该研究主要探究以下三个问题:(1)英语专业学生的写作自我效能感和写作策略之间存在显著性关系吗?如果存在的话,二者之间有什么关系?(2)高分组和低分组的学生的自我效能感有何差异?(3)高分组和低分组的学生在使用写作策略时有何不同?基于对相关数据的分析和讨论,该研究得出如下结果:首先,英语专业学生的写作自我效能和写作策略均处于中等水平,二者存在中等水平的显著正相关。其次,写作成绩与写作自我效能感显著正相关,而且高分组学生与低分组学生在写作自我效能感水平上存在显著差异。第三,写作策略与写作成绩之间存在显著正相关关系,高分组学生与低分组学生在使用写作策略频率上存在着显著差异,高分组学生更频繁地使用写作策略。以上研究结果为今后英语写作教学提供了重要启示。 


【文章页数】:72 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Research
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Self-efficacy Theory
        2.1.1 Definition of Self-efficacy
        2.1.2 Function of Self-efficacy
        2.1.3 Sources of Self-efficacy
        2.1.4 The Distinction between Self-efficacy and Some Related Terms
    2.2 Writing Self-efficacy
        2.2.1 The Definition of Writing Self-efficacy
        2.2.2 The Classification of Writing Self-efficacy
    2.3 Writing Strategies
        2.3.1 The Definition of Writing Strategies
        2.3.2 The Classification of Writing Strategies
    2.4 Relevant Previous Studies
        2.4.1 The Correlation between Writing Self-efficacy and Writing Performance abroad and at Home
        2.4.2 The Correlation between Writing Strategies and Writing Performance abroad and at Home
        2.4.3 The Correlation between Writing Self-efficacy and Writing Strategy abroad and at Home
Chapter3 Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Subjects
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Questionnaires
        3.3.2 English Writing Test
    3.4 Research Procedures
        3.4.1 Data Collection
        3.4.2 Data Analysis
Chapter4 Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results and Discussion of Writing Self-efficacy Questionnaire
        4.1.1 Descriptive Statistics of English Writing Self-efficacy
        4.1.2 Results and Discussion of English Writing Task Self-efficacy
        4.1.3 Results and Discussion of English Writing Skill Self-efficacy
    4.2 Results and Discussion of English Writing Strategy Questionnaire
        4.2.1 Descriptive Statistics of Overall English Writing Strategy
        4.2.2 Descriptive Statistics of Meta-cognitive Writing Strategy
        4.2.3 Descriptive Statistics of Cognitive Writing Strategy
        4.2.4 Descriptive Statistics of Affective Writing Strategy
    4.3 Relationship between Writing Self-efficacy and Writing Strategy
    4.4 Relationship between Writing Self-efficacy and Writing Performance
        4.4.1 Pearson Correlation between Writing Self-efficacy and Writing Performance
        4.4.2 The Differences between High-level Students and Low-level Students in Writing Self-efficacy
    4.5 Relationship between Writing Strategy and Writing Performance
        4.5.1 Pearson Correlation between Writing Strategy and Writing Performance
        4.5.2 The Differences between High-level Students and Low-level Students in Writing Strategy
Chapter5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications
    5.3 Limitations of the Study
    5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies

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