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发布时间:2021-01-03 18:15

【文章来源】: 甘春艳 江西师范大学

【文章页数】:67 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Purposes and Significance of the Study
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Critical Thinking Disposition
        2.1.1 Definition of Critical Thinking
        2.1.2 Critical Thinking Disposition
        2.1.3 Measurement of Critical Thinking Disposition
        2.1.4 The Feasibility of Cultivating Critical Thinking in English ReadingClassroom
    2.2 Teacher’s Questioning
        2.2.1 Definition of Teacher’s Questioning
        2.2.2 Classification of Teachers’Questioning
    2.3 Relationship between Teachers’ Questioning and Students’Critical Thinking
        2.3.1 Theoretical Basis
        2.3.2 Studies on the Relationship between Teacher’s Questioning and Students’Critical Thinking Abroad and at Home
    2.4 Summary
Chapter3 Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Participants
    3.3 Research Methods
        3.3.1 Questionnaire of Teachers’Questioning
        3.3.2 Questionnaire of Students’Critical Thinking Disposition
        3.3.3 Classroom Observation
        3.3.4 Interview
    3.4 Data Collection and Analysis
        3.4.1 Data Collection
        3.4.2 Data Analysis
Chapter4 Results and Discussions
    4.1 The Features and Types of Teachers’Questioning
        4.1.1 The Results of Teachers’Questioning from the Questionnaire of Teachers’Questioning
        4.1.2 The Results from the Classroom Observation
        4.1.3 The Results from the Interview
    4.2 The Results from the Questionnaire of Students’Critical Thinking Disposition
        4.2.1 The General Situation of Senior Two Students’Critical ThinkingDisposition
        4.2.2 The Analysis of the Seven Sub-Scales of Critical Thinking Disposition
    4.3 Correlations between Types of Teacher’s Questioning and Students’CriticalThinking Disposition
    4.4 Discussions
        4.4.1 The Features and Types of Teachers’Questioning
        4.4.2 The Features of Students’Critical Thinking Disposition
        4.4.3 Correlation between Teachers’Questioning and Students’Critical ThinkingDisposition
Chapter5 Conclusions
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Implications of the Study
        5.2.1 Strengthening Teachers’Awareness of Cultivating Students’CriticalThinking Disposition by Teachers’Questioning
        5.2.2 Using more High Cognitive Level Questions in English ReadingClassroom
        5.2.3 Improving Students’Critical Thinking Disposition in Truth-seeking
    5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research
    AppendixⅠ Questionnaire of Teachers’Questioning in English Reading Classroom
    AppendixⅡ Questionnaire of Students’Critical Thinking Disposition
    AppendixⅢ Outline for Interview
    AppendixⅣ Sample transcriptions

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