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发布时间:2021-01-04 21:19

【文章来源】:西南大学重庆市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:64 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research significance
    1.3 Organization of the Paper
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Research on writing anxiety
        2.1.1 The definition of writing Anxiety
        2.1.2 The classification of writing anxiety
        2.1.3 Previous studies on writing anxiety
    2.2 Research on writing strategy
        2.2.1 The definition of writing strategy
        2.2.2 The classification of writing strategy
        2.2.3 Previous studies on writing strategy
    2.3 The study on the correlation between English writing anxiety and writing strategy
Chapter3 Theoretical Foundation
    3.1 Affective Filter Hypothesis
    3.2 Second Language Acquisition Model
    3.3 The Output Hypothesis
    3.4 Humanistic psychology
Chapter4 Research Design
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Participants
    4.3 Two questionnaires for the research
        4.3.1 Research writing anxiety scale
        4.3.2 Writing strategy questionnaire
        4.3.3 Reliability and validity of the two questionnaires
    4.4 The interview
        4.4.1 The interviewees
        4.4.2 The interview questions
    4.5 Research procedures
        4.5.1 Data collection
        4.5.2 Data analysis
Chapter5 Results and discussion
    5.1 Results and analysis of the writing anxiety of senior high school students
        5.1.1 The somatic writing anxiety analysis for senior high school students
        5.1.2 The cognitive writing anxiety analysis for senior high school students
        5.1.3 The avoidance behavior analysis for senior high school students
    5.2 Results and analysis of the writing strategy of senior high school students
        5.2.1 The effort regulation writing strategy analysis for senior high school students
        5.2.2 The affective strategy analysis for senior high school students
        5.2.3 The cognitive strategy analysis for senior high school students
        5.2.4 The meta-cognitive strategy analysis for senior high school students
        5.2.5 The social strategy analysis for senior high school students
    5.3 The discussion on the correlation between writing anxiety and writing strategy use of seniorhigh school students
    5.4 Results and analysis of the interviews of senior high school students
Chapter6 Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings
    6.2 Implications
    6.3 Limitations and suggestions for further study
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire
Appendix Ⅱ Interview Syllabus
Appendix Ⅲ Interview Record

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