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发布时间:2021-01-31 12:30


【文章页数】:70 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 Emergence of Blended Learning
        1.1.2 Challenges Faced by Master of English Education
        1.1.3 Lack of Related Research
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
        1.2.1 Purpose of the Study
        1.2.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Framework and Contents of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Core Concepts of the Thesis
        2.1.1 Autonomous Learning Ability
        2.1.2 Blended Learning
        2.1.3 Master of English Education
    2.2 Related Researches at Home and Abroad
        2.2.1 Blended Learning
        2.2.2 Autonomous Learning Ability
        2.2.3 Autonomous Learning Ability of Master of English Education underBlended Learning
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Constructivism Theory
        3.1.1 Constructivism View of Learning
        3.1.2 Constructivism View of Students
    3.2 Unicom Theory
        3.2.1 View of Learning
        3.2.2 View of Knowledge
        3.2.3 View of Students
Chapter Four Methodology
    4.1 Research Design
        4.1.1 Research Questions
        4.1.2 Research Subjects
        4.1.3 Research Instruments
    4.2 Research Procedure
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Effects on Cultivation of Master of English Education
        5.1.1 The Implementation of Questionnaire
        5.1.2 Results from Questionnaire and Analysis
    5.2 Requirements for Autonomous Learning of Master of English Education
        5.2.1 The Implementation of Interview
        5.2.2 Results from Interview and Analysis
    5.3 Ways to Cultivate Autonomous Learning Ability under Blended Learning
        5.3.1 To Make Sure Reasonable Management of Curriculum
        5.3.2 To Provide Necessary Support of Hardware and Software Facilities
        5.3.3 To Emphasize the Cultivation of Ability
        5.3.4 To Impart Autonomous Learning Strategies
    5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Implications of the Study
    6.3 Limitations of the Study
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire
Appendix Ⅱ Interview Outline

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