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发布时间:2021-02-06 08:08


【文章页数】:90 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Research
    1.2 Purpose of the Study
    1.3 Significance of the Present Study
    1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Prewriting Activities
        2.1.1 Definition of Prewriting Activities
        2.1.2 Techniques of Prewriting Activities
        2.1.3 Research Status on Prewriting Activities
    2.2 An Overview of Previous Studies on Prewriting Activities in EnglishWriting
        2.2.1 Previous Studies on Prewriting Activities in English WritingAbroad
        2.2.2 Previous Studies on Prewriting Activities in English Writing atHome
    2.3 Research Gap in Previous Studies
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Schema Theory
        3.1.1 Introduction to Schema Theory
        3.1.2 Schema Theory and English Writing
    3.2 Information-processing Theory
        3.2.1 Introduction to Information-processing Theory
        3.2.2 Information-processing Theory and English Writing
    3.3 Constructivism
        3.3.1 Introduction to Constructivism
        3.3.2 Constructivism and English Writing
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Participants
    4.3 Instruments
        4.3.1 Writing Tests (pre-test, post-test)
        4.3.2 Questionnaires
        4.3.3 Interviews
        4.3.4 Class Observation
    4.4 Research Procedures
        4.4.1 Pre-test and Questionnaire (1st week)
        4.4.2 First Round Research (2nd week-6th week)
        4.4.3 Second Round Research (7th week-11th week)
        4.4.4 Post-test and Questionnaire (12th week)
    4.5 Data Collection
        4.5.1 Writing Tests and Questionnaires
        4.5.2 Interviews and Class Observation
    4.6 Data Analysis
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Results
        5.1.1 Results of Writing Tests
        5.1.2 Results of Questionnaires
        5.1.3 Results of Interviews
        5.1.4 Results of Class Observation
    5.2 Discussion
        5.2.1 Discussion in Relation to Research Question 1
        5.2.2 Discussion in Relation to Research Question 2
        5.2.3 Discussion in Relation to Research Question 3
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings of the Present Study
    6.2 Pedagogical Implications
        6.2.1 Providing More Prewriting Activities
        6.2.2 Encouraging Cooperative Group Work
        6.2.3 Guiding through Prewriting Stage
        6.2.4 Providing Relevant Input
    6.3 Limitations of the Study
    6.4 Recommendations for Further Study
Appendix I Writing Tests
Appendix II Questionnaire
Appendix III Interview
Appendix IV Class Observation
Appendix V Marking Criterion
Appendix VI Scores of Pre-test
Appendix VII Scores of Post-test
Appendix VIII Results of Questionnaires

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[1]写前活动对高三学生写作能力提高的作用[D]. 刘玉仙.首都师范大学 2005




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