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语用能力培养在高中英语教材中的实现情况研究 ——基于言语行为视角

发布时间:2021-03-05 02:47


【文章页数】:120 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Textbooks
        2.1.1 Definitions and Types of Textbooks
        2.1.2 Roles of Textbooks
    2.2 ELT Textbook Evaluation
        2.2.1 Criteria for ELT Textbook Evaluation
        2.2.2 Approaches to ELT Textbook Evaluation
        2.2.3 Empirical Studies from Non-pragmatic Perspectives
        2.2.4 Empirical Studies from the Pragmatic Perspective
    2.3 Pragmatic Failures in Speech Acts
        2.3.1 Pragmatic Failure
        2.3.2 Studies on Pragmatic Failures in Speech Acts
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations for the Present Study
    3.1 Pragmatic Competence
        3.1.1 Definitions of Pragmatic Competence
        3.1.2 Necessity& Teachability of Pragmatic Competence
    3.2 Speech Act Theories
        3.2.1 Austin’s Speech Act Theory
        3.2.2 Searle’s Speech Act Theory
        3.2.3 Speech Acts& Pragmatic Competence
    3.3 Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis
    3.4 Explicit and Implicit Instruction
    3.5 Cognitive Theory of Language Learning
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Research Purposes and Questions
    4.2 Selecting the Target Textbooks
        4.2.1 English Textbooks for Senior High School
        4.2.2 English Textbooks by People’s Education Press
    4.3 Analytic Framework
        4.3.1 Searle’s Taxonomy of Speech Acts
        4.3.2 Presentation of Speech Acts
        4.3.3 Cohen& Olshtain's Strategy Set for Apology
    4.4 Data Collection
    4.5 Data Analyses
Chapter Five Results of Research Questions
    5.1 Types and Distribution of Speech Acts
        5.1.1 Types of Speech Acts
        5.1.2 Distribution of Speech Acts
    5.2 Presentation of the Suggestion Speech Act
        5.2.1 Explicit or Implicit Instruction on Making Suggestions
        5.2.2 Semantic Formulas for Making Suggestions
        5.2.3 Social Contextual and Meta-pragmatic Information Coverage
    5.3 Limited Strategies for Apologies
Chapter Six Discussion and Implications
    6.1 Discussion
        6.1.1 Range and Distribution of Speech Acts
        6.1.2 Presentation of the Suggestion Speech Act
        6.1.3 Strategies for the Apology Speech Act
    6.2 Implications
        6.2.1 Implications for Textbook Compilers
        6.2.2 Implications for English Instructors
        6.2.3 Implications for English Learners
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Major Findings of the Present Study
    7.2 Limitations of the Present Study
    7.3 Suggestions for Future Studies
Appendix Ⅰ The List of Textbooks for Senior High Schools in China
Appendix Ⅱ The List of Semantic Formulas for Suggestions
Appendix Ⅲ Speech Acts in Textbooks
Appendix Ⅳ Speech Acts in Workbooks
Academic Achievements

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