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发布时间:2021-06-24 04:16
  构式语法强调,语言系统是由“构式”组成的,第二语言的习得实际上就是“构式”的习得。而构式类型差异和学习者个体因素(例如性别和年龄)都会对英语学习者的第二语言习得产生一定的影响。双及物结构是初中英语动词结构中最多,且最具典型特征的初中语法。已有研究中,关于双及物结构的研究多集中在英汉双及物结构的对比研究以及基于语料库的双及物结构的研究,且研究对象多集中在大学生英语学习者,而关于初中生及其性别和年龄(即年级)对双及物结构的习得影响的研究较少。因此,本文基于构式语法理论,对初中生双及物结构的习得进行调查研究,旨在探究初中生的双及物结构的习得情况;以及有关双及物结构习得的影响因素(即双及物结构类型、学生的性别和年龄);并检验各影响因素之间的交互作用;最后,为未来进一步提高初中英语双及物结构教学效果提出建议。本文以构式语法理论为基础,使用语法判断法(二语习得研究常用方法),通过问卷的形式,对内蒙古呼和浩特市某中学240名不同性别的初一、初二年级的初中生习得不同类型双及物结构的情况进行调查。并在此基础上采用SPSS 22.0和Amos 22.0数据分析软件对问卷的定量数据进行量化分析,包括描述性统... 


【文章页数】:84 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Purpose
    1.3 Research Significance
    1.4 The Structure of Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
    2.1 Definitions of Key Terms
        2.1.1 Definition of Construction
        2.1.2 Definition of Ditransitive Construction
    2.2 Theoretical Foundation
        2.2.1 Construction Grammar
    2.3 Previous Researches on the Acquisition of Ditransitive Construction
        2.3.1 The Researches on the Acquisition of Ditransitive ConstructionAbroad
        2.3.2 The Researches on the Acquisition of Ditransitive Construction atHome
Chapter Ⅲ Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
    3.4 Data Collection
    3.5 Data Analysis
Chapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion
    4.1 Descriptive Statistical Results of English Ditransitive Construction
        4.1.1 Central Tendency Data Analysis
        4.1.2 Dispersion Degree and Normal Distribution Data Analysis
    4.2 The Influence of Different Types of Ditransitive Construction onLearners’Acquisition of Ditransitive Construction
    4.3 The Influence of Different Genders and Different Types of DitransitiveConstruction on the Acquisition English Ditransitive Construction
        4.3.1 Independent-Samples T Test on Genders’ Differences of theAcquisition of English DC
        4.3.2 Single-variable Two-way ANOVA of Genders and Different Typesof Ditransitive Construction
    4.4 The Influence of Different Grades and Different Types of DitransitiveConstruction on the Acquisition English Ditransitive Construction
        4.4.1 Independent-Samples T Test on Grades’ Differences
        4.4.2 Single-variable Two-way ANOVA of Grades and Different Types ofDitransitive Construction
    4.5 Discussion
        4.5.1 The Discussion of Overall Situation of Students’ Judgment onDitransitive Construction
        4.5.2 The Discussion of the Influence of Different Types of DitransitiveConstruction on Learners’Acquisition of English DC
        4.5.3 The Discussion of the Differences in the Acquisition of Ditransitive Construction of Junior High School Students with Different Genders or Grades
        4.5.4 The Discussion of Whether the Acquisition of Ditransitive Construction of Junior High School Students is influenced by the Dual Factors of "Gender" and "Type" or the Dual Factors of "Grade" and "Type"
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications
        5.2.1 Noticing the Overall Meaning of Verbs, and Teaching from theWhole to Part
        5.2.2 Noticing the Metaphor Involved in Ditransitive Construction
        5.2.3 Emphasizing the Matching Between Form and Meaning
        5.2.4 Paying Attention to the Transfer of Mother Tongue, the Comparison and Analysis of the Differences between Chinese and English DitransitiveConstruction
        5.2.5 Creating Interesting Constructional Context to Improve Students’Interests in Grammar Learning
        5.2.6 Integrating the Contents of Textbook to Improve the Coherence ofTeaching
    5.3 Limitations of the Study
    5.4 Suggestions for Future Study
Appendix English Ditransitive Construction Grammar Judgment Questionnaire

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