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发布时间:2021-06-28 22:39
  根据《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》的要求,词汇教学的重点是在语境中培养学生的词块意识,通过阅读和写作,扩大词汇量,提高词汇的运用能力。然而部分学校的高中英语词汇教学模式依旧碎片化和孤立化。另一方面,英语学科核心素养理念的提出,要求发展语言能力、学习能力、思维品质以及文化意识。因此,如何在英语学科核心素养理念下优化高中英语词汇教学策略已成为研究词汇教学的热门话题。为了优化高中英语词汇教学策略,本文基于弗斯的语境理论,以高中英语词汇教学为研究内容,以四川某高中的86名学生和37名英语教师为研究对象,采用教师问卷调查,学生访谈以及对控制班和实验班进行前后测,运用Excel 2013和SPSS 24对数据进行统计和分析,研究了(1)该校高中英语老师经常使用的词汇教学策略有哪些?(2)该校高中英语词汇教学中,存在哪些显著问题?(3)在高中英语课堂中,英语老师怎样实施词汇教学策略有利于培养英语学科核心素养?根据研究的数据进行分析,得出以下发现:1.该校高中英语老师基于情景教学法,利用多媒体策略创造语境。基于词块教学法,采用词块和构词策略讲解词汇。经常利用情感策略,引导学生定期复习,鼓励学... 


【文章页数】:114 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research purpose and significance
    1.3 Thesis structure
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Definition of the key concepts
        2.1.1 Definition of vocabulary teaching strategies
        2.1.2 Definition of the key competencies in English subject
    2.2 Principles of vocabulary teaching
    2.3 Research on English vocabulary teaching
        2.3.1 Research methodologies in English vocabulary teaching
        2.3.2 Teaching strategies
        2.3.3 Learning strategies
    2.4 Research on the key competencies in English subject
    2.5 Theoretical Basis
        2.5.1 Definition of context
        2.5.2 Categorization of context
        2.5.3 Function of context in vocabulary teaching
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Participants
    3.3 Research methods
        3.3.1 Teachers’questionnaire
        3.3.2 Students’interview
        3.3.3 Experimental methods
    3.4 Data collection
    3.5 Experimental procedure
    3.6 Vocabulary teaching model
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Frequency of the use of vocabulary teaching strategies
        4.1.1 Frequency of the use of cognitive strategies
        4.1.2 Frequency of the use of meta-cognitive strategies
        4.1.3 Frequency of the use of social\affective strategies
    4.2 Problems in vocabulary teaching in this school
        4.2.1 Monotonous vocabulary teaching strategies
        4.2.2 Negative influence from English teachers’vocabulary teaching strategies
        4.2.3 Lack of the specific guidance on vocabulary learning strategies
    4.3 Implement vocabulary teaching strategies to cultivate the keycompetencies in English subject
        4.3.1 Analysis of the pre-test and discussion
        4.3.2 Analysis of the post-test and discussion
        4.3.3 Students’ views about vocabulary teaching strategies used in this term
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 General conclusion of this research
    5.2 Suggestions for English teachers
    5.3 Limitations of this research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Appendix V

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[5]利用课外阅读,提升初中学生英语学科核心素养[J]. 黄洁玲.  英语教师. 2018(17)
[6]基于高中英语学科核心素养的词汇教学策略[J]. 吴思漫.  课程教育研究. 2018(36)
[7]英语学科核心素养的测评与培养[J]. 聂成军.  教学与管理. 2018(25)
[8]核心素养视域下的高中英语群文阅读词汇教学探究[J]. 黄胜华,江忠玉.  英语教师. 2018(16)
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[2]提高高中英语词汇教学有效性的策略研究[D]. 黄晓妮.陕西理工大学 2017
[3]学科核心素养理论视角下的初中英语词汇教学策略研究[D]. 方雅丽.福建师范大学 2017
[4]高中英语词汇教学的问题调查及教学建议[D]. 马灵芝.华中师范大学 2016
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[9]高中英语词汇教学策略的实证研究[D]. 冯文慧.山东师范大学 2012
[10]任务型教学法在高中英语词汇教学中的应用研究[D]. 王凯肖.曲阜师范大学 2012




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