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发布时间:2021-12-09 11:14
  自主学习能力在英语学习中扮演着举足轻重的角色,尤其是在英专大学生学习英语词汇方面。只有当大学生真正意识到这种能力在日常英语词汇学习中的重要性并具备了 一定的英语词汇自主学习能力之后,他们才能主动地学习大量词汇并将词汇学习贯穿于生活和学习。然而,有些英专大学生由于对英语词汇学习缺乏兴趣和动力以及一定的词汇基础和来自技术,情感,认知,心理,社会,策略等因素的支持,所以能准确记忆的词汇比较有限,在词汇专项测试中的表现不尽如人意,所以在一定程度上他们并没有完全具备英语词汇自主学习能力。为了培养和提高英语专业学生的自主英语词汇学习能力,教育技术和移动学习值得更加具体和深入的研究。本研究以单词学习类APP中的“沪江开心词典”词汇软件为例,主要探讨其对英语专业大学生英语词汇自主学习能力的影响。此研究围绕以下三个问题开展:1.在使用“沪江开心词典”的过程中,“沪江开心词典”是否能够提升英专大学生英语词汇自主学习能力?2.在使用“沪江开心词典”的过程中,影响英专大学生英语词汇自主学习能力的可能因素有哪些?3.在使用“沪江开心词典”的过程中,这些可能的因素是如何影响英专大学生英语词汇自主学习能力的?通过采... 

【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:110 页


1. Introduction
    1.1 Background of this study
    1.2 Significance and purposes of this study
    1.3 Layout of this thesis
2. Literature Review
    2.1 English vocabulary learning
        2.1.1 Significance of vocabulary and vocabulary size
        2.1.2 Learning strategy
    2.2 Mobile learning
        2.2.1 Definitions of mobile learning
        2.2.2 Characteristics of mobile learning
        2.2.3 Advantages of mobile learning in college English vocabularylearning and teaching
    2.3 Autonomous English vocabulary learning ability
        2.3.1 The theoretical definition of autonomous English vocabulary learning ability
        2.3.2 The working definition of autonomous English vocabulary learning ability
        2.3.3 The factors related to autonomous English vocabulary learning ability
        2.3.4 The improvement of autonomous English vocabulary learning ability
3. Theoretical Background of the Study
    3.1 Autonomous learning theory
        3.1.1 The definition of autonomous learning theory
        3.1.2 The core elements of autonomous learning theory
    3.2 Autonomous learning ability
        3.2.1 Definitions of autonomous learning ability
        3.2.2 Characteristics of autonomous learning ability
        3.2.3 Cultivating of autonomous learning ability
        3.2.4 Autonomous learning ability in a web-based learning environment
4. Research Design
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Contexts and participants
    4.3 "Hujiang Happy Dictionary"
        4.3.1 The brief introduction of "Hujiang Happy Dictionary"
        4.3.2 The game modes of "Hujiang Happy Dictionary"
    4.4 Research instruments
        4.4.1 Vocabulary size tests contained in "Hujiang"
        4.4.2 Interviews
        4.4.3 TEM-8 vocabulary pre-test and post-test
    4.5 Procedures
    4.6 Data collection and analysis
5. Results and Discussion
    5.1 Vocabulary learning interest and motivation
    5.2 Vocabulary size growth
        5.2.1 The results of first vocabulary size test
        5.2.2 The results of second vocabulary size test
        5.2.3 Interview answers based on vocabulary size tests
        5.2.4 Factors influencing vocabulary size
    5.3 TEM-8 vocabulary test performance
        5.3.1 Interview answers after the experiment
        5.3.2 The Results of TEM-8 vocabulary pre-test
        5.3.3 The Results of TEM-8 vocabulary post-test
        5.3.4 The Discussions of results of TEM-8 vocabulary tests
    5.4 Other factors
        5.4.1 Interview answers in the mid-stage of experiment
        5.4.2 Factors influencing autonomous English vocabulary learning ability
6. Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings
    6.2 Implications and suggestions
    6.3 Limitations of this research
    6.4 Suggestions for further study
Appendix One: TEM-8 Vocabulary Pre-test
Appendix Two: TEM-8 Vocabulary Post-test
Appendix Three: Personal Interview Questions in the Mid-stage of theVocabulary Experiment
Appendix Four: Personal Interview Questions after the Vocabulary Experiment

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