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发布时间:2023-02-15 20:38

【文章页数】:116 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
    1.3 Methods of the Research
    1.4 Thesis Framework
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Study on English Anterior Tenses and Aspects Category Abroad
        2.1.1 Traditional Grammar
        2.1.2 Cognitive Linguistics
        2.1.3 Evaluation of Previous Studies
    2.2 Study on English Anterior Tenses and Aspects Category at Home
        2.2.1 Traditional Grammar
        2.2.2 Cognitive Linguistics
        2.2.3 Evaluation of Previous Studies
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Schema Theory
        3.1.1 Theoretical Origin and Definition of Schema Theory
        3.1.2 Features and Classification of Schema Theory
    3.2 Categorization
        3.2.1 Prototype Theory
        3.2.2 Time and Aspect Category
    3.3 Construal Operations
        3.3.1 Viewing Frame
        3.3.2 Langacker’s Model of Evolving Reality
Chapter Four An Analysis of the Continuity Construction of Schematic SemanticRepresentation for English Anterior Tenses and Aspects Category
    4.1 Time,Tense and Aspect
        4.1.1 Time and Mental Spaces
        4.1.2 Simple and Complex Tenses
        4.1.3 Non-progressive and Progressive Aspect
    4.2 A Study on the Construction of Schematic Semantic Representation Continuumfor English Anterior Tenses,Aspects and Their Construal
        4.2.1 Anterior Situations in Relation to the Present Viewed from the PresentViewpoint:Present Perfect
   Tense and Aspect Meaning of Present Perfect
   Bounded Events and Lasting States:Present Perfect
   Unbounded Events and Temporary States:Present Perfect Progressive
   The Construction of the Schematic Semantic Representation for PresentPerfect and Its Construal
        4.2.2 Anterior Situations Viewed from the Present Viewpoint:Simple Past
   Tense and Aspect Meaning of Simple Past
   Bounded Past Situations:Prototype Uses of Simple Past
   Non-prototype Expressions of Simple Past
   Unbounded Past Situations:Uses of Simple Past Progressive
   The Construction of the Schematic Semantic Representation for SimplePast and Its Construal
        4.2.3 Anterior Situations Viewed from the Past Viewpoint:Past Perfect
   Tense and Aspect Meaning of Past Perfect
   Bounded Events and the Lasting States:Past Perfect
   Unbounded Events and Temporary States:Past Perfect Progressive
   The Construction of the Schematic Semantic Representation for PastPerfect and Its Construal
        4.2.4 Anterior Situations Viewed from the Future Viewpoint:Future Perfect
   Tense and Aspect Meaning of Future Perfect
   Expected Completion of Future Projected Space:Future Perfect
   The Construction of the Schematic Semantic Representation for Future Perfect and Its Construal
        4.2.5 The Continuity Construction of Schematic Semantic Representation forEnglish Anterior Tenses,Aspects and Their Construal
    4.3 Implications for English Anterior Tenses and Aspects Category Teaching
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings of the Study
    5.2 Significance of the Study
    5.3 Limitations and Prospects of the Study




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