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发布时间:2017-09-24 05:09


  更多相关文章: 小学词汇教学 同伴教学 行动研究

【关键词】:小学词汇教学 同伴教学 行动研究
  • Acknowledgement5-6
  • Abstract in English6-8
  • Abstract in Chinese8-15
  • Chapter One Introduction15-19
  • 1.1 Research Background15-16
  • 1.2 Significance of the research16-17
  • 1.3 Purpose of the research17-18
  • 1.4 Structure of the thesis18-19
  • Chapter Two Literature review19-27
  • 2.1 Vocabulary and vocabulary teaching19-23
  • 2.1.1 Significance of vocabulary19
  • 2.1.2 Significance of the English vocabulary teaching19-21
  • 2.1.3 The common methods of the English vocabulary teaching21-23
  • 2.2 Peer teaching23-27
  • 2.2.1 Definition of the peer teaching23
  • 2.2.2 Development of peer teaching abroad and at home23-27
  • Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation27-31
  • 3.1 Cone of Learning Theory27-28
  • 3.2 Comprehensible Input Hypothesis28-29
  • 3.3 Constructivism Learning Theory29-30
  • 3.4 Motivational Theory30-31
  • Chapter Four Methodology31-55
  • 4.1 Research subjects31
  • 4.2 Research questions31-32
  • 4.3 Research instruments32-34
  • 4.3.1 The pre-questionnaire and the post-questionnaire32
  • 4.3.2 The pre-interview and the post-interviews32-33
  • 4.3.3 Vocabulary pre-test and post-test33
  • 4.3.4 Teaching journals33-34
  • 4.4 The overall action research process34-35
  • 4.5 Problem identification and hypothesis35-40
  • 4.5.1 Problem identification35-39
  • 4.5.2 Hypothesis39-40
  • 4.6 The planning of peer teaching in vocabulary teaching40-48
  • 4.7 The implementation of peer teaching in vocabulary teaching48-55
  • 4.7.1 The first implementation of peer teaching in vocabulary teaching48
  • 4.7.2 The primary stage of adjustment48-51
  • 4.7.3 The second implementation of peer teaching in vocabulary teaching51
  • 4.7.4 The second stage of adjustment51-53
  • 4.7.5 The third implementation of peer teaching in vocabulary teaching53-55
  • Chapter Five Analysis and discussion55-67
  • 5.1 Analysis of the pre-questionnaire and post questionnaire55-57
  • 5.2 Analysis of the pre-test and the post-test57-59
  • 5.3 Analysis of the interview59-62
  • 5.4 Discussion62-67
  • 5.4.1 Students’ attitude toward English learning62
  • 5.4.2 Students’ enthusiasm to English learning62-63
  • 5.4.3 Peer teaching and the students’ ability of vocabulary memory andcomprehension63-64
  • 5.4.4 Keys to successful implementation of peer teaching64
  • 5.4.5 Teacher’s roles in the peer teaching64-67
  • Chapter Six Conclusion67-71
  • 6.1 Major findings67-69
  • 6.1.1 Enhance the students’ interest in English learning67-68
  • 6.1.2 Improve the students’ memory and comprehension of vocabulary68
  • 6.1.3 Develop the students' ability of cooperation and the spirit of mutualassistance68-69
  • 6.2 Limitations of the present research69
  • 6.3 Suggestions for the further research69-71
  • References71-75
  • Appendix ⅠPre-test75-76
  • Appendix Ⅱ Preliminary Interview76-77
  • Appendix Ⅲ Pre-questionnaire and Post questionnaire77-78
  • Appendix Ⅳ Post interview78-79
  • Appendix Ⅴ Post test79-80
  • AppendixⅥ Pictures of peer teaching80-82
  • AppendixⅦ Schedule of the task assignment82-83
  • AppendixⅧ Vocabulary dictation record83-84
  • AppendixⅨ Teaching cards84-88
  • Appendix Ⅹ Students’opinion of peer teaching88-90


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

1 王涵;;同伴教学思想的现代意义[J];济源职业技术学院学报;2014年02期

2 徐永仙;;同伴教学在高中物理教学中的运用[J];学园;2014年08期

3 王祖源;武荷岚;顾牡;;以同伴教学法促进学生互动式学习[J];物理与工程;2013年02期

4 黄辉;;同伴施教——提高英语自主学习能力的新途径[J];白城师范学院学报;2012年01期

5 周三红;;同伴教学在中职英语教学中的应用[J];中国科教创新导刊;2012年01期

6 顾丽萍;;初中英语课堂同伴引领教学的实践[J];文理导航(上旬);2011年08期

7 李端阳;;英语词汇互动式同伴教学研究[J];北京第二外国语学院学报;2011年04期

8 杜鑫;;同伴教学的可行性分析[J];现代教育科学;2010年08期

9 刘琢;;同伴教学在大学英语教学中的应用之行动研究[J];金华职业技术学院学报;2009年04期

10 刘向红;罗晓语;;“同学施教”模式个案研究[J];湖南师范大学教育科学学报;2008年05期




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