发布时间:2018-04-17 11:32
本文选题:多层螺旋CT + 多平面重建 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 眶上裂区病变临床上并不少见,病因复杂、临床漏诊率较高,早期诊断关乎治疗效果及预后,一直是眼科及外科领域研究的热点和难题。由于眶上裂解剖位置特殊、局部结构复杂,因此明确病因尤为重要。随着现代医学影像诊断技术的不断进步,临床常需要借助X光片以明确眶上裂有无狭窄、硬化及破坏,或进一步行B超、彩色多普勒超声检查,甚至是眼眶CT、MRI以排除有无眶内占位性病变侵及眶上裂。此外,患者还需行头颅CT、MRI,甚至是脑血管造影检查以除外颅内病变引起的眶上裂处神经血管组织功能障碍。由于常规CT窗宽窄,部分容积效应大,显示的眶上裂较正常小。此外,构成眶上裂的各骨壁较薄,主要以骨皮质为主,缺乏骨髓组织,而MRI又不能直接显示眶上裂骨性构成,因此本课题开拓思路,应用多层螺旋CT(multi-slice computed tomography,MSCT)多平面重建(multi-planarreformation,MPR)技术对眶上裂区进行矢状面、冠状面和(或)斜冠状面重建。本文结果显示:使用多层螺旋CT多平面重建技术已成为眶上裂区常规轴位CT扫描最有益的补充。通过使用多层螺旋CT获得眶上裂冠状面、矢状面和(或)斜冠状面多平面重建图像及其相关数据,可以更好更清楚地了解眶上裂区骨性结构的构成和形态,了解其与全身各系统特别是颅脑与副鼻窦的密切关系,对眶上裂区骨折和占位性病变的位置、范围和程度做出明确诊断,为临床早期发现和治疗眶上裂区病变计划的制定提供可靠依据。
[Abstract]:The lesions of supraorbital fissure are not uncommon in clinic, the etiology is complex, the rate of clinical missed diagnosis is high. Early diagnosis is related to the therapeutic effect and prognosis, and has been a hot and difficult problem in the field of ophthalmology and surgery.Because of the special anatomical location and complicated local structure of supraorbital fissure, it is very important to know the etiology.With the development of modern medical imaging diagnostic technology, X-ray is often needed in clinic to determine whether the supraorbital fissure is narrow, sclerotic or damaged, or to be further examined by B-ultrasound and color Doppler ultrasound.Even orbital CT MRI was used to exclude the involvement of orbital space occupying lesions in supraorbital fissure.In addition, patients also need to perform head CT MRI, or even cerebral angiography to exclude intracranial lesions caused by the superior orbital fissure neurovascular dysfunction.Because of the width of CT window and partial volume effect, the superior orbital fissure was smaller than normal.In addition, the bone walls of the supraorbital fissure are thin, mainly cortical, and lack of bone marrow tissue, and MRI can not directly show the bony formation of the supraorbital fissure.The sagittal, coronal and / or oblique coronal reconstruction of the supraorbital fissure region was performed by multi-planar reconstruction with multislice spiral CT(multi-slice computed tomography-MSCT.The results show that multislice spiral CT multiplanar reconstruction technique has become the most useful supplement to conventional axial CT scan in the supraorbital fissure region.Multiplanar reconstruction images of supraorbital fissure coronal plane, sagittal plane and / or oblique coronal plane were obtained by using multi-slice spiral CT.To understand its close relationship with the system of the whole body, especially the craniocerebral and paranasal sinuses, and to make a definite diagnosis of the location, scope and extent of the fracture of the supraorbital fissure area and the occupying lesions.To provide reliable evidence for early detection and treatment of supraorbital fissure lesions.
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