[Abstract]:Biomedical modeling has been paid more and more attention by researchers. Muscular vascular model and Willis circle cerebral aneurysm system are representative nonlinear biomedical systems developed in recent years and have strong biological and medical background. Firstly, the stability and chaos phenomena of a class of biomedical mathematical models are summarized and discussed from the perspective of qualitative analysis. Then, the sufficient condition of pulse synchronization on T-S fuzzy model is given by using the pulse synchronization control method based on T-S model for the biological mathematical model of muscle vascular with disturbance term. At the same time, an appropriate controller is constructed to stabilize the synchronization error between the drive system and the response system to the equilibrium point, and to achieve synchronization in the global scope. The motor synchronization of vasospasm and normal blood vessels was studied theoretically. Thirdly, the pulse synchronization control method based on T-S fuzzy model of Willis circle cerebral aneurysm system is studied. Because of the transient sudden change of blood flow velocity and the chaotic state of transient vasospasm in the aneurysm system, The synchronization between the drive system and the response system is studied. The chaos in cerebral aneurysm is controlled theoretically, which provides a basis for medical prevention and treatment of rupture of cerebral aneurysm. Finally, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the method. These studies provide useful information for the study of chaos in medicine, especially in brain science, neurophysiology and cardiology, and will certainly play an active role in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. At the same time, the research and application of nonlinear analysis method in biomedicine are advanced.
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