[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effects of different concentrations of IFN- 伪 on the differentiation, maturation and function of DC derived from human umbilical cord blood, to detect the surface markers and function of DC, and to investigate the killing effect of DC mediated by CTL on hepatoma cells. To evaluate the feasibility of DC culture and the antitumor effect mediated by DC loaded with hepatoma cell freeze-thaw antigen. Methods Mononuclear cells (CBMNC),) isolated from umbilical cord blood were cultured in complete culture medium (RPMI-1640 5% fetal bovine serum) supplemented with GM-CSF (1000U/ml) IL-4 (500U/ml) and different concentrations of INF-a (A to E). CBMNC was induced to differentiate into DC1. The morphology of cells was observed under inverted microscope. Flow cytometry was used to detect the expression of CD14, CD83, CD86, CD40, CD40, CDla and HLA-DR on the surface of DC. The proliferative ability of DC to allogeneic lymphocytes and the killing rate of DC mediated CTL to hepatoma cells were determined by Elisa. The levels of IL-12, IFN-y and IL-10 cytokines in the supernatant of DC were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa). Results under the combined action of cytokine GM-CSF IL-4 and different concentrations of INF-a, most of the cells of 1.CBMNC were still adherent to the wall for 3 days, and some cells formed small colonies, but no dendritic processes were observed. On the 7th day, there were obvious pseudopodial protrusions on the surface of the cells, showing typical dendritic shape. 2. Flow cytometry (FCM) analysis showed that the cells harvested on the 7th day showed high expression of mature DC. The expression rates (%) of INF-a in the first part of the experiment were (95.10 卤1.53) CD86 (75.11 卤1.63) and (38.75 卤1.93) HLA-DR (88.75 卤1.65) .3, respectively. Within a certain concentration range (0100500700U/ml), the proliferation of allogeneic lymphocytes stimulated by DC induced by INF-a showed an increasing trend (P0.05), in which the OD value of allogeneic lymphocyte proliferation was the highest when the concentration of INF-a was 700U/ml and T:DC=10:1 was the highest (0.485 卤0.100), compared with other groups. Significant statistical difference (P0.05). 4. In this experiment, when the concentration of INF-a was 700U/ml, DC loaded with SMMC-7721 antigen could induce the highest killing rate (30.1 卤1.6) of allogeneic CTL to hepatoma cells, which was significantly different from other groups (P0.05). The levels of cytokines in the supernatant of DC were detected by ELISA on the 3rd day (P0.05), but on the 7th day, the levels of IL-12 (37.69 卤2.67 pg/ml) and IFN-y (49.94 卤1.35 pg/ml) in group D were significantly higher than those in other groups (P0.05). Group D had the lowest IL-10 content (32.34 卤2.49 pg/ml), which was significantly different from other groups (P0.05). Conclusion CBMNC isolated from umbilical cord blood can induce differentiation and maturation of DC in vitro under the action of cytokines GM-CSF, IL-4 and different concentrations of INF-a, and different concentrations of INF-a can enhance the ability of IL-12 IFN- 纬 secreted by DCs. Both of them could promote the proliferation of allogeneic lymphocytes induced by DC loaded with antigen and increase the killing rate of CTL mediated by DC. In this experiment, the concentration of INF-a was 700U/ml, which was the best concentration for DC induction. This experiment will provide some experimental basis for the application of DC in clinic.
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