[Abstract]:The abuse of opioid drugs such as heroin and drugs can cause many organs, systemic toxicity and potential damage. Reproductive endocrine system is one of the main target systems of heroin damage. The effects of heroin on reproductive endocrine system of male rats and the therapeutic effect of compensatory purine nucleotides (AMP and GMP) on the reproductive endocrine system of male rats were studied from several new directions such as nucleotide metabolism. The results show that: 1. Heroin can cause the imbalance of HPG axis function, among which the effect on FSH is obvious, but the effect on testosterone and LH is not significant. The plasma reproductive hormone level of rats compensated by purine nucleotides was relatively stable, suggesting that purine nucleotide compensation might inhibit the adverse effects of heroin on the HPG axis of male rats. 2. No significant effect of heroin on the expression of FSH and LH genes was found. However, purine nucleotides were given simultaneously with heroin, or purine nucleotides were given after withdrawal of heroin. Both heroin administration and withdrawal can affect the content of ACTH, and the effect is sustainable. Purine nucleotide compensation could maintain the relative stability of plasma ACTH content. 4. 4. Heroin decreased the activity of neutral 伪-glucosidase and sustained. The compensation of purine nucleotides can keep the content of neutral 伪 -glucosidase relatively stable, suggesting that the compensation of purine nucleotides can improve the functional state of epididymis. Heroin enhanced the activity of ADA, a key enzyme of purine nucleotide catabolism in rat testis and epididymis, and compensated purine nucleotides for "antagonizing" the effect of heroin. The effects of heroin and compensatory purine nucleotides on the key enzyme HGPRT of testicular, epididymal and pituitary biosynthesis were different. 6. 6. Heroin administration inhibited the activities of GDH and GS in testis and epididymis of rats and increased the content of Glu. At the same time, purine nucleotide compensation or withdrawal could reverse the effect of heroin on Glu metabolism in testis and epididymis of rats. Heroin caused damage to the ultrastructure of pituitary gonadotropin cells, and purine nucleotides could attenuate or inhibit the damage of heroin. In short, heroin causes changes in the body's reproductive endocrine system that are improved or antagonized by compensating purine nucleotides. The discovery of the correlation between the effects of heroin on physiological function and metabolism and the metabolism of purine nucleotides may open a new direction for the study and treatment of opioid dependence.
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