[Abstract]:AIM: To extract mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord blood and to explore the suitable culture environment for umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells in vitro.
1. After the umbilical cord was cut off, the blood was collected under aseptic condition and anticoagulated with heparin. The umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells were separated by density gradient centrifugation using Ficoll lymphocyte isolation solution with relative density of 1.077.
2. Comparing the adherence of mesenchymal stem cells with different density and serum concentration, so as to explore the suitable culture environment of umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
3. The expression of CD29, CD44, CD34 and CD45 on the cell surface was detected by flow cytometry to identify the markers on the cell surface.
4. cryopreservation and resuscitation of mesenchymal stem cells were used to observe the growth of cells after resuscitation.
5. Cells of 4-8 generations were collected and divided into 5 induction groups. Morphological changes were observed by co-culture with LO2, cytokine induction and cytokine stage induction.
6. The expression of albumin (ALB), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and keratin (CK19) mRNA was detected by RT-PCR to identify the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.
At the density of 1.10~8/ml, the mesenchymal stem cells with higher density could be obtained after the first liquid exchange 7 days, and the proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells could be realized in vitro.
In 2.5% serum, the cells are not easy to adhere to the wall and proliferate slowly. 10% - 15% serum is conducive to the growth and proliferation of stem cells, and is not easy to change the morphology. In 20% serum, cell growth is fast, but easy to change the morphology.
3. Flow cytometry analysis: CD29 (+), CD44 (+), CD34 (-), CD45 (-), consistent with the characteristics of mesenchymal stem cell surface markers. RT-PCR analysis: mesenchymal stem cells do not express ALB, AFP and CK19.
4. After 8 passages of mesenchymal stem cells in vitro, the proliferation ability of mesenchymal stem cells was significantly weakened, and the cells became larger and irregular. At the 10th passage, the cells could not continue to pass on and died. After resuscitation, the mesenchymal stem cells would undergo a plateau period of 1 week before they could gradually recover to their pre-freezing state.
5. The 1st induction group (co-cultured with L02), the 2nd induction group (group A), the 3rd induction group (co-cultured with LO2 + group A) were induced for 6w. There were no morphological changes and no expression of ALB, AFP and CK19 mRNA in the control group.
6. The expression of ALB, AFP and CK19 mRNA was not detected in the 4th induction group (group B).
7. In group 5 (group C), AFP mRNA was detected by RT-PCR after 4 weeks of induction. AFP mRNA, ALB mRNA and CK19 mRNA were detected after 2 weeks of induction.
Umbilical cord blood MSCs adhere to the wall later than bone marrow MSCs, so it is difficult to culture in vitro. In order to achieve in vitro amplification, high density inoculation is needed. A high serum concentration of 10-15% is appropriate. But serum concentration should not be too high, too high serum concentration (>20%) can promote fine. Cell differentiation and proliferation ability were significantly reduced.
2. MSCs cultured in vitro have limited ability of passage and good viability of P4-P8 generation. P10 generation cells die, so it is impossible to proliferate MSCs indefinitely in vitro. After cryopreservation, MSCs grow slowly after resuscitation. It needs a plateau period of one week to restore the state before cryopreservation.
3. It is very difficult to induce umbilical cord blood MSCs to differentiate into hepatocytes in vitro. In this experiment, polygonal hepatocyte-like cells were obtained in 5 induction groups only by stage 5 induction method. AFP mRNA, ALB mRNA and CK19 mRNA were detected by RT-PCR in these cells.
4. In the process of induction, the cell adherence ability is poor, the cell viability is weak, and the proliferation is difficult. How to achieve in vitro expansion of the induced cells, so as to be able to apply in clinical is the next step to solve the problem.
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