[Abstract]:Chapter 1 Anatomical study of the anterolateral femoral perforator flap objective to understand the number, type, origin, external diameter, walking and distribution characteristics of the anterolateral femoral perforator flap in order to guide the design and removal of the anterolateral femoral perforator flap. Methods A total of 6 fresh adult lower extremity specimens perfused with red latex were dissected to observe and measure the number, type, diameter, path and distribution of anterolateral femoral perforating vessels. Results A total of 22 perforating arteries of 0.5mm were found in 6 sides, with an average of 3.6 branches on each side, 18 (81.8%) from the descending branch and 4 (18.1%) from the transverse branch. 16 (72.7%) cutaneous perforators and 6 (27.3%) intermuscular perforators; The length of the descending branch (or transverse branch) of the lateral circumflex femoral artery to the branch of the perforating branch in the superficial fascia was 17. 5 卤3.1cm (14.5cm~22.5cm). The length from the perforating branch to the perforating branch in the superficial fascia was 7.6 卤4.1cm (2.3cm~12.5cm), and the length of the perforating branch in the superficial fascia was 2.7 卤0.5cm (2.0 卤3.5 cm);). The external diameter of descending branch (or transverse branch) of lateral femoral circumflex artery was 2.8 卤0.5mm (2.1mm~3.5mm) and that of perforating branch was 1.9 卤0.8mm (1.4mm~2.7mm). The external diameter of the deep fascia plane was 1. 5 卤0.1mm (1.2mm~1.6mm). The perforating branches were distributed in the superficial fascia and subcutaneously as "dendritic" after penetrating through the fascia lata, and there were thick communicating branches between the adjacent perforating branches. Conclusion the anterolateral femoral perforating branch has the characteristics of constant anatomy, long pedicle, wide external diameter, direct support of skin and no reliance on muscle and deep fascia, and has the anatomical basis for making anterolateral femoral perforating branch flap. The characteristics of the vascular body area of descending branch and transverse branch and its branches have the anatomical basis for designing Flow-through, conjoined, chimeric and combined ALTPF. Chapter 2 Clinical study of anterolateral femoral perforator flap objective to investigate the clinical effect of anterolateral femoral perforator flap transplantation and the feasibility of Flow-through, conjoined, chimeric and combined transplantation. Methods from October 2007 to January 2010, 48 cases of skin and soft tissue defects of extremities and 1 case of scrotal eczema carcinoma were treated. According to the different characteristics of the wound, the skin flap was transplanted with the pedicle of vascular pedicle, Flow-through,. Conjoined, chimeric, or combined graft repair. The flaps were followed up for 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months after operation. The shape, blood supply, color of the flap, the function of the limb, the appearance and function of the donor area of the flap were observed. Results among 49 cases of anterolateral femoral perforator flap, 47 cases survived successfully, 2 cases had venous crisis after operation, 1 case was subflap hematoma, 1 case was venous embolism, respectively, hematoma was removed, thrombus was removed and flap survived. There was no infection in this group. 43 cases of skin flap healed in one stage, 6 cases of flap wound healed delayed, and closed after changing dressing for 2 to 3 weeks. Follow-up for 3 months to 24 months (mean 12 months) showed that only linear scar was left in the flap donor area, quadriceps femoris muscle strength was normal, knee joint movement was not affected, and 3 cases (6.1%) had abnormal sensation. The skin flap of 2 cases (4%) was slightly bloated, and 2 cases were scarred by burning and scalding after operation. Conclusion the anterolateral femoral perforator flap can obtain the best repair effect of the recipient area and minimize the damage of the donor area of the flap. It is an ideal flap for repairing the wound of the limb surface. Flow-through, conjoined, chimeric and combined transplants were safe and feasible, and the indications of anterolateral femoral perforator flap were expanded.
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