[Abstract]:Objective: to identify the species of tapeworm in Dali, Yunnan Province by means of morphology and molecular biology, so as to provide reference for the classification and localization of tapeworm in Asia. It also provides scientific basis for the prevention and control of tapeworm and cysticercosis in Yunnan Province. Methods: (1) morphological identification: the head segments, adult segments and pregnant segments of Taenia solium were selected from 6 counties and cities of Dali, Yunnan Province, and stained with kahong hydrochloric acid and malachite green solution, which were compared with Taenia solium and traditional Taenia solium. The species of Taenia solium in Dali belt of Yunnan Province were identified by morphology. (2) Molecular biological identification: adult ganglia tablets of human tapeworm specimens were collected from 3 counties and 6 areas of Dali, Yunnan Province, and the genomic DNA, of Taenia solium was extracted. The partial sequence of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome B (mtDNA-Cytb) was amplified by PCR and sequenced. Based on the known mtDNA-Cytb sequences of Taenia solium, Taenia solium and Taenia solium in GenBank, the homology of the sequencing results of each specimen was analyzed by DNAMAN (Version 5.2.2) software, the genetic distance was calculated and the phylogenetic dendrogram was constructed. Results: (1) the results of morphological analysis showed that the head segments of tapeworm specimens in Dali Eryuan, Dali City and Dali area were slightly square, with four suckers, no apical process and hook, and the ovaries were divided into two leaves, that is, left and right leaves. The uterine branches of the gestational node are approximately symmetrical, with about 13 and 20 branches on each side. It is similar to the reported Asian tapeworm. (2) according to the sequencing results of mtDNA-Cytb sequence after PCR amplification, the tapeworm samples from Dali Eryuan, Dali Shuanglang and Dali area are basically consistent with the Asian Taeniasis sequence in GenBank. The homology was 99% and 100%, respectively. The homology between tapeworm specimens and Taenia solium in Dali Heqing area was 99%. The constructed phylogenetic trees showed that five strains of EY2,WS and EY1,SL,DY were aggregated into one strain with YZ, belonging to Asian tapeworm, one from DL and ND, one from Taenia solium, one from HQ1-3 and ZD, and one from Taenia solium. Asian tapeworm and Taenia solium meet with Taenia solium. Conclusion: (1) Asian tapeworm exists in Dali Eryuan, Yunnan Province, and Taenia solium exists in Dali Heqing, Yunnan Province. The overlap of Taenia solium and Taenia solium in Dali area of Yunnan Province. (2) mtDNA-Cytb sequence analysis showed that it was effective in the identification of different species of tapeworm.
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