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发布时间:2017-12-27 10:14

  本文关键词:民办中小学校品牌建设策略研究 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民办中小学 学校品牌 品牌建设

[Abstract]:The administrators of the school should be aware of the fact that twenty-first Century is a century of brand. Enterprises can survive and develop in the fierce market competition by building brands, and so are schools. In this case the units in Zhongshan City, Tanzhou Aihua school was founded in 2004, as a 10 year history of the typical full-time private primary school, unable to effectively build school brand has become a bottleneck restricting the further development of the school. "How to create a school brand effectively" has become a problem to be solved urgently by the administrators of private schools. This article is mainly through the literature analysis method, the questionnaire survey method and the case analysis method to carry on the research. This paper first expounds the background, value and significance of the study. Based on the comprehensive analysis of school brand's service characteristics, educational characteristics and cultural tastes, the basic analysis of PEST, STP and consumers in private primary and secondary schools' brand building is made. The key content of private primary and secondary school's brand construction is summarized and analyzed based on the questionnaire survey of parents and teachers. According to the related contents, CIS theory and brand maintenance and communication theory are finally concluded. Finally, in this paper the author is currently working in Zhongshan City, Tanzhou Aihua school how to effectively create the conclusion about the school brand case, the conclusion of the supplement and confirm. This paper follows the principle of starting from consumers, and surveys 20 indicators based on the cognition attitude of the consumers (parents) and front-line employees (teachers) to the brand building of private primary and secondary schools. This paper finally draws a conclusion that the brand in the private school to create work, from the parents of the students and teachers' point of view, these five indicators advanced educational philosophy, good teaching quality, distinctive characteristics, quality educational services, rich campus culture occupies important position. This will provide specific, operable and effective brand building strategy suggestions for the brand builders of private primary and secondary schools.


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