本文关键词:中学地理案例教学中学生多元智能培养研究 出处:《河南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In geography, teaching materials and content cases exist widely, which provides ample application space for case teaching in geography class, and also provides necessary conditions for developing multiple intelligence in case teaching. This paper mainly research multiple intelligence training multi intelligence theory based on the theory of the existence of widespread influence in the field of education and psychology, it emphasizes the cultivation of students' view from the angle of development, distribution and development of students' intelligence that should be diversified, each student has to achieve personality development and all-round development possible. This idea conforms to the tide of world education development, and our concept of quality education has the same pursuit, thus becoming one of the guiding theory of the new curriculum reform; in addition, the theoretical basis of the research of constructivism theory and situational learning theory is the case for teaching plays a guiding role. In this paper, using the method of literature, investigation method and action method in geography case teaching in middle school, grade seven in Bin Xiang Yuanyang County junior high school class of two students as the research object, take the Hunan design teaching content of geography textbooks for students, to develop students' multiple intelligences, this article expounds the cultivation of multiple intelligences geography case in the process of teaching measures, raises the application principle of multiple intelligences of students in middle school geography case teaching process, clear the multiple intelligences development which should be achieved in the process of investigation and analysis of the effect of expectations, finally to cultivate students' Multiple Intelligences in middle school geography teaching plays. Before the students' multiple intelligence training, firstly, statistic and analysis the current situation of smart multi Intelligence Questionnaire on students, found that every student has the advantages of multiple intelligence, and one student in different intelligence and the same kind of intelligence in each student body all showed obvious difference, also found there are students' overall similar advantages and weak intelligence; secondly, according to the distribution of the overall advantages of students and weak intelligence, training measures, selection of teaching cases. By grouping the cooperative method in the process of training, pay attention to students' classroom behaviors of individuals in the implementation process and appropriate guidance on relevant issues, promote the balanced development of students' individual intelligence; finally comparative analysis of students physical learning enthusiasm, geography classroom performance and geography achievement by questionnaire survey method. Draw the following FINDINGS: (1) pay attention to the cultivation of multiple intelligences, geography classroom changed the traditional management mode, improve the students' enthusiasm of learning geography, fully tap the potential of students learning geography; (2) develop multiple intelligences in case teaching implementation has changed the traditional student evaluation standard, promote the combination of students comprehensive development and individual development; (3) combining with the case of life, promote the geography classroom life, to diversify the form of classroom teaching; (4) the streamlining of the multiple intelligence training process The tedious procedure of the traditional geography classroom has added multiple mutual assistance to make the efficiency of the geography classroom increasing. The action research method into the study of multiple intelligences in culture, culture of multiple intelligences of students in the process of case teaching, the existing problems in geography classroom teaching case and design a reasonable application in classroom teaching; at the end of the study by the results of the investigation and training after the results of quantitative comparison the analysis of multiple intelligence training effect. In the teaching process, the multiple evaluation way not only changed the evaluation method which used the achievement as the sole standard, but also focused on the cultivation and improvement of students' different learning intelligence. At last, the paper puts forward the shortcomings of this research and prospects for future research, hoping to build a diverse teaching system and teaching mode, and establish an effective multiple evaluation system, which will provide some help for the future development of multiple intelligence in geography classroom.
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