本文关键词:自媒体时代下思想政治教育灌输模式在中学的应用 出处:《河南师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 自媒体 思想政治教育灌输模式 中学
[Abstract]:The inculcation mode of Ideological and political education has always been one of the basic modes of moral education and education in China, and it has proved that it is a successful mode of education. Along with the coming of the era of self media, everyone is playing the role of the creator of thought, creator or disseminator. The information of numerous and mixed has become the significant sign of this era. Middle school students are very special at this stage. They are young and ignorant, and have a steady and mature youth. Their nurturance of values is crucial for their life and even the future of the nation, because they are the hope of the motherland and the nation. In this stage, they become more publicity the pursuit of the realization of individual value and personality, but with the idea of uneven in quality and incomplete world outlook values, especially due to the lack of scientific and accurate discrimination judgments about things, they are prone to deviate from the values. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out ideological and political indoctrination in middle school. However, due to various reasons, it has also encountered unprecedented difficulties in the era of media, and even faced with the danger of not continuing to undertake the task of moral education. The basic mode of Ideological and political education is the inculcation mode of Ideological and political education, and it has made great contributions to the education of moral education in China. In order to cope with the challenges of the era from the media, grasp the opportunities, continue to play indoctrination mode value, this paper analyzes the self media era of Ideological and political education indoctrination mode applied in middle school conditions, proposed to accurately grasp the scientific theory of indoctrination, adhere to the principle of infusion, combined with the characteristics of the era from the media, flexible use of various methods to enhance the effectiveness of indoctrination mode.
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