本文关键词:拉萨市高中数学教师MPCK现状调查与策略研究 出处:《西藏大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:MPCK作为近几年来教育的热点问题之一,通常解释为数学学科教学知识。MPCK作为MK(数学学科知识,全名为Mathematics Knowledge)、PK(一般教学法知识,全名为Pedagogical Knowledge)、CK(课程知识,全名为Curriculum Knowledge)和TK(教育技术知识,全名为Technology Knowledge)的一种整合。MPCK是以MK作为基础,但是就其本质而言又超出MK,是数学教师在教学过程中使MK易于传达给学生数学学习的一种知识表达的方式。因此,数学教师的MPCK最能体现数学教师的教学素质,数学教师的教学经验直接影响教师对学生的认识,数学教师的教学表征直接影响学生的学习。因此关于数学教师MPCK的研究,对于促进数学教师的发展具有现实意义。本论文拟解决的核心问题是:(1)调查拉萨市高中数学教师MPCK的现状(2)拉萨市高中数学教师的MPCK的来源主要有哪些?(3)其中哪些来源对于MK的贡献最大?(4)哪些来源对于PK的贡献最大?(5)哪些来源对于CK的贡献最大?(6)哪些来源对于TK的贡献最大?(7)关于拉萨市高中数学教师MPCK的现状和如何发展拉萨市高中数学教师MPCK的策略问题;(8)完备的MPCK包含MK、PK、CK和TK,因此如何更好的融合而形成MPCK,为发展拉萨市高中数学教师MPCK提出意见。根据对相关文献进行的的梳理和分析,进而编制了关于拉萨市高中数学教师MPCK的现状和来源的调查问卷,对拉萨市五所高中的数学教师开展问卷调查。同时根据相关的文献编制访谈稿,对拉萨市若干名高中数学教师进行面对面访谈。本研究的主要结论:(1)拉萨市高中数学教师具备较高的MK(数学学科知识);MK主要来源有:作为高中学生时的经验、接受的数学师范专业教育、观看高中数学名师的优质公开视频以及入职后的教育培训。(2)拉萨市高中数学教师具备较低的PK(一般教学法知识);PK主要来源有:阅读数学教育方面的论文著作、观看高中数学名师的优质公开视频课、教育实习。(3)拉萨市高中数学教师具备基本的CK(课程知识);CK主要来源有:阅读数学教育类的期刊、观看高中数学名师的优质公开视频课以及入职后的外出交流活动.(4)拉萨市高中数学教师具备完善的TK(教辅、教育技术知识);TK主要来源有:阅读数学教育方面的论文著作、教育实习以及入职后同事间互助。
[Abstract]:As one of the hot issues in education in recent years, MPCK is usually interpreted as the teaching knowledge of mathematics. The full name is Mathematics knowledge knowledge (Pedagogical knowledge). CKs (curriculum knowledge, full name is Curriculum knowledge) and TK (educational technology knowledge). An integration called Technology knowledge. MPCK is based on MK, but by its very nature it goes beyond MK. MK is a way for mathematics teachers to express their knowledge easily in the process of teaching. Therefore, the MPCK of mathematics teachers can best reflect the teaching quality of mathematics teachers. The teaching experience of mathematics teachers directly affects the teachers' understanding of students, and the teaching representation of mathematics teachers directly affects the students' learning. Therefore, the research on mathematics teachers' MPCK. It is of practical significance to promote the development of mathematics teachers. The core problem to be solved in this paper is: 1) to investigate the current situation of MPCK of senior high school mathematics teachers in Lhasa. What are the main sources of MPCK for senior high school mathematics teachers in Lhasa? (3) which sources contribute the most to MK? Which sources contribute the most to competition? Which sources contribute the most to CK? (6) which sources contribute the most to TK? (7) the present situation of Lhasa high school mathematics teacher MPCK and the strategy of how to develop Lhasa senior high school mathematics teacher MPCK; The complete MPCK contains MKPKCK and TK. so how to better merge to form MPCK. In order to develop Lhasa senior high school mathematics teacher MPCK put forward the opinion. According to the related literature combing and analysis, then compiled the Lhasa senior high school mathematics teacher MPCK present situation and the origin questionnaire. The mathematics teachers in five senior high schools in Lhasa city were investigated by questionnaire, and the interview manuscripts were compiled according to the relevant literature. The main conclusion of this study is: 1) Lhasa senior high school mathematics teachers have higher MKK knowledge; The main sources of MK are: as a senior high school student's experience, accept the mathematics normal professional education. Watching the high quality public video of famous mathematics teachers in senior high school and the education and training after entering the profession) Lhasa senior high school mathematics teachers have lower PKs (general pedagogy knowledge); The main sources of competition are: reading papers on mathematics education, watching high quality public video courses of famous mathematics teachers in senior high school, teaching practice. 3) Lhasa senior high school mathematics teachers have basic CKs (curriculum knowledge); The main sources of CK are: reading mathematics education journals. Watching the high quality public video lesson of the famous mathematics teacher of senior high school and the excursion exchange activity after entering the job.) Lhasa senior high school mathematics teacher has perfect TK (teaching assistant, educational technology knowledge); The main sources of TK are: reading papers on mathematics education, educational practice and mutual help among colleagues.
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