本文关键词:学生视角下高中政治教师素质优化研究 出处:《淮北师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 高中政治教师素质 现状 影响因素 学生视角 优化策略
[Abstract]:High school ideological and political education is an important part of the whole process of the ideological and political education is to promote students' overall growth, the main channel to cultivate Chinese socialist successors. High school politics teacher plays a leading role in the practice of education, its quality is directly related to the cultivation of students' learning interest, correct world outlook. The outlook on life, establish values; related to the reform and development of high school ideological and political education; and in relation to the future of our country. With the development of China's educational reform to develop in depth, more and more teachers training quality constantly improve and perfect, the construction of a high-quality team of teachers has become the goal of education that education. The teaching practice, teachers' quality itself is the most direct, the most effective means of teaching, have far-reaching impact on the students. Therefore, teachers in the political Quality optimization research has important theoretical significance and practical value. Based on previous research, redefining the connotation of political quality of high school teachers; understand the current situation of the quality of teachers through a questionnaire survey, including the concept of teacher education, occupation morals, knowledge structure, teaching ability, several aspects of interpersonal relationship and content; based on the results from the society, school, analyze the influence of the current quality status of high school politics teacher factors three aspects of teachers. Paper focuses on the perspective of students as a starting point, again through the questionnaire survey, analysis of expectations for the quality of political teachers and high school students in mind, the results of statistical analysis showed that students' occupation moral quality of high school politics teacher the quality of knowledge, personality, nine specific requirements of comprehensive ability in four aspects of higher expectations. Improving the quality of teachers needs not only from The subjective aspect of constant reflection ascension, it is more important to pay attention to students' inner needs, to meet the needs of the development of the students. The survey the politics teachers in high schools to improve their own quality has the pertinence, effectiveness. Finally the above two survey results, the corresponding society from the creation of a favorable macroeconomic environment, improve the educational management system three, enhance teachers' self development ability of high school politics teachers' quality angle optimization strategy is proposed. The thesis makes a systematic study on the quality of high school teachers in the optimization research, in order to improve the high school political teachers to provide a reference.
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