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发布时间:2018-01-11 00:31

  本文关键词:少数民族地区数学教师课堂教学语言的研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民族地区 数学教师 教学语言 语言类型

[Abstract]:Language is an important tool for educators and an important medium for teachers to spread knowledge and communicate with students. To some extent, teaching language affects the teaching effect. Therefore, the teaching language is very worthy of attention and research. Through the review of relevant literature, there are a lot of research on teacher's language, but the quantitative research is very little. And about the minority area mathematics teacher classroom teaching language research is few, therefore this article selects the minority nationality area compulsory education stage altogether 12 mathematics classroom video. This paper makes a quantitative study on the classroom teaching language of mathematics teachers in order to find some characteristics of the classroom teaching language of mathematics teachers in minority areas. And put forward some feasible suggestions for the objective situation. Firstly, through reading a large number of relevant documents, this paper understands the main classification of mathematics teachers' classroom teaching language, and then combines with the mathematics classroom video in minority areas. This paper determines the classification of classroom teaching language of mathematics teachers in minority areas: feedback language, encouraging language, positive language, questioning language, explaining language, emphasizing summative language. Command language, transitional language and metaphorical language. The main research method is the video research method, that is, the first step: select the representative research object according to the need; Step 2: transcribing the classroom video into text form; Step 3: according to the established language classification, the text is coded sentence by sentence. Step 4th: collate the data, carry on the data analysis; The results show that the teaching language of mathematics teachers in minority areas is mainly questioning language, with an average of 130 times per class, more than the total number of other languages; For feedback language, it is found that mathematics teachers in minority areas often use simple repeated students' answers, and seldom give appropriate evaluation to students' answers; Encouraging language less, and too single, more is "good, very good" and so on; In favor of enlightening language, summing up the emphasis language and figurative language use the least. However, these three languages are very important in mathematics teaching. Therefore, we should pay attention to the use of these three teaching languages. Because the question language is very important and occupies a high proportion, this paper makes a further classification according to the complexity of its need to think: mechanical questioning, memorized questioning. The first two types are low level questions, the last three are high level questions. Compared with teachers' questions, according to the students' cognitive level needed to answer. The paper also classifies students' answers: no answer, mechanical answer, memorized answer, comprehension answer, inferential answer and creative answer, the first three are low cognitive answer. The latter three are high cognitive answers. The statistics show that mathematics teachers in minority areas have fewer high level questions, and teachers' high level questions are positively correlated with students' high cognitive answers. Therefore, teachers should design more high-level questions to reduce the use of low-level questions. Finally, through the comparison of the number of teachers and students in mathematics classroom in minority areas, it is found that teachers have the absolute right to speak. This does not correspond to the teacher-student relationship advocated by our mathematics curriculum standards in compulsory education.


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