本文关键词: 新手教师 经验教师 PCK 高中物理 直线运动 出处:《华中师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:物理教师的PCK是一种能够将物理学科内容知识以学生最能够接受的形式进行教学的物理教学知识。它是物理知识与教学知识有机整合的教师知识,对教学的成败起着重要作用。本研究根据Grossman的相关理论设计了一个包含学科内容知识、学生知识、课程知识、教学评价知识和教学策略知识在内的PCK静态理论模型。本论文结合课堂观察、文本分析和访谈等研究方法,选取了湖北省某示范中学的高一物理组5位经验教师和4位新手教师作为研究对象,以人教版必修一“质点的直线运动”为例,对两组教师进行了长达三个月深入比较研究,试图寻找两组物理教师的PCK存在的差异,并初步探索物理教师PCK提升途径。通过对比研究发现:关于物理学科内容知识的比较,在物理概念和物理规律方面经验教师要明显比新手教师好,而在物理思维方法方面,新手教师略胜一筹;在包含课程知识、学生知识、教学策略知识和教学评价知识的教育教学知识方面,经验教师显然强于新手教师。通过研究,提出了初步提升物理教师PCK的途径: (1)建设并落实“青蓝工程”; (2)建设并落实集体备课与听课机制; (3)经常进行教学经验反思; (4)参加各类教学比赛;(5)研究课程标准、高考考试大纲及归纳总结高考试卷;(6)阅读物理《物理教师》和《物理教学探讨》等中学物理核心期刊; (7)时常温习大学物理和多做中学物理奥赛题;(8)充分利用物理QQ群和微信等网络平台资源。
[Abstract]:Physics teacher PCK is a physics subject content knowledge for teaching students to the most acceptable form of physical teaching knowledge. It is teachers' knowledge of physical knowledge and teaching knowledge integration, plays an important role in the success of teaching. This study according to the theory of Grossman design contains a subject content knowledge students, knowledge, curriculum knowledge, teaching evaluation knowledge and knowledge of teaching strategies, PCK static model. This thesis combines classroom observation, text analysis and interviews and other research methods, selected the Hubei province high physical demonstration of a group of 5 experienced teachers and 4 novice teachers as the research object, to teach people a version of "compulsory particle motion" as an example, the two groups of teachers were up to three months of in-depth comparative study, trying to find differences between the two groups of physics teachers PCK, and preliminary exploration The physics teacher PCK promotion. By comparison, a comparison of physical content knowledge, in the aspect of physical concepts and laws of physics teachers experience significantly better than novice teachers, while in the aspect of physics thinking method, novice teachers in the course of knowledge contains a stroke above; and students' knowledge, knowledge of teaching strategies and teaching evaluation of knowledge education teaching knowledge, experience of teachers is obviously stronger than novice teachers. Through the study, puts forward the ways to improve physics teachers: preliminary PCK (1) construction and implementation of "Blue Project"; (2) the construction and implementation of collective preparation of lessons and lectures mechanism; (3) regular teaching experience; (4) to participate in various teaching competition study on curriculum standards; (5), college entrance examination outline and summarize the college entrance examination papers; (6) reading physics physics teacher < > and < > to investigate the physics teaching of middle school physics and other core journals; (7) often Study on College Physics and Ose's physics in high school; (8) make full use of physical QQ group and network platform resources such as WeChat.
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