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发布时间:2018-02-08 21:14

  本文关键词: 新体能 高中女生 身体素质 出处:《首都体育学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the gradual decline of students' physique, especially the problem of middle school students' physical health is very worrying. High school students' physical development is in the late puberty, is an important period of physical development. It is also a key period for the development of life. In this stage, the development of physical health and physical quality plays a particularly important role for teenagers. The level of physical fitness is reflected in the physical form and physical function level of sports ability, Good physical fitness is an important manifestation of healthy physique. At present, under the background of promoting quality education and health education throughout the country, in order to be more safe and healthy to complete their physical fitness, To further improve the physical fitness of middle school students. The purpose of this study is to serve the general high school education in this city, and to apply the new physical fitness training method to the practical study of students' physical fitness among the female students in Beijing No. 8 Middle School. The influence of new physical exercises on improving the physical quality of high teenagers is analyzed. In order to provide a reference for the application of new physical fitness exercises in high school girls' physical education class, and hope to attract more attention to school physical education and students' physical health by this method, the research method: this study adopts the method of literature, Experimental and mathematical statistics, A class of 30 students with approximately equal body shape was selected as the experimental group. The control group selected 27 students from a class with approximately equal body shape as the control group. A corresponding national system health test was conducted. The data obtained before and after the experiment were compared with each other and compared with each other. The scores of the experimental group and the control group were improved. After T test, there were significant differences in five physical fitness indexes before and after the experiment in the experimental group, while the results in the control group were improved. However, the range of improvement is not as high as that of the experimental group. Conclusion: 1, the construction of the new physical training means of high school students is mainly physical and mental development and their own characteristics. 2. The new physical training is helpful for the improvement of strength quality. The new physical training is helpful for the improvement of endurance quality, and the new physical exercise is helpful for the improvement of flexibility.


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