本文关键词: 义务教育阶段 数据分析观念 西部农村 九年级学生 发展现状 出处:《西华师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the progress of society, scientific and technological innovation promotes the spread of information by leaps and bounds. In 21th century, mastering statistical ideas and methods will become a necessary survival skill for human beings, and with the innovation of curriculum standards, Improving the curriculum of statistics and probability will become the focus of the world in the future. Therefore, it is urgent to understand the current situation of the development of students' concept of data analysis. And this paper is developed around this main line. By consulting the literature, we find that the existing research results mainly focus on the comparative analysis of the learning situation of students in grades seven, eight and ninety-three. Or only the seventh grade students. This paper focuses on the students' grasp of the concept of data analysis after the compulsory education. And in the next semester of Grade 9, the students have completed all the courses in the compulsory education stage. Therefore, this paper selects ninth grade students as the object of investigation. Firstly, this study discusses the connotation and evaluation framework of the concept of data analysis through qualitative analysis, so as to lay a theoretical foundation, on the basis of which, The three dimensions of the concept of data analysis were divided by SOLO classification, and the evaluation model was established. According to this model, more than 600 ninth grade students in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, were selected as the research objects. The test results are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively from three aspects: the overall level of the concept of data analysis, the specific situation of each dimension, and the correlation with academic achievement and gender. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the overall level of the development of the concept of data analysis of the ninth grade students is lower than that of the students' randomness consciousness is better than that of the students' data consciousness and data processing consciousness. (3) there is a positive correlation between the development of the concept of data analysis and the mathematics achievement. It has nothing to do with gender. Because the contents of statistics and probability courses are more close to life and practical practice, so they are more active and operational. Combining with the psychological characteristics of students in compulsory education, too much attention to people-oriented will enhance the interference of activities. Therefore, the guiding role of teachers in the teaching process is particularly important. This paper uses the observation method to observe the lesson examples, and on the basis of this, uses individual interviews to interview the 4 selected teachers. The purpose of this paper is to understand the teachers' cognition of the concept of data analysis and to put forward some teaching suggestions in view of the fact that the development of the concept of data analysis of the ninth grade students is not ideal.
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