发布时间:2018-02-14 15:44
本文关键词: 唐山市 新课标 普通高中 田径教学 现状 出处:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:高中生作为青少年主体的组成部分,正处于生理发育高峰及心理变化敏感的时期,但近几年关于中学生体质健康水平整体不高以及各种慢性疾病呈现低龄化趋势的报道屡见不鲜,我国未来人才的健康状况令人堪忧。高中生出现的这种状况给我国学校体育教学带来了巨大的挑战。为此,国家教育部门颁布了《普通高中体育与健康课程标准》(实验)。自实施以来,在“健康第一”思想指导下,全国各地已经陆续进行了中小学体育课程的教学改革。田径项目作为基础项目,对学生的力量、速度、耐力、灵敏、协调等各项身体素质发展有着不可替代的作用。田径教学效果如何能在一定程度上影响学生体质健康、后备人才储备数量及质量等问题引人深思。 《标准》中明确要求,田径内容项目板块至少必修1学分。在落实《标准》的精神方面,田径项目的教学应起到表率作用。但目前我国部分地区在田径教学过程中仍存在着不少的问题,如教学内容安排不合理、教学方法单一、教学评价不全面等等。唐山市教育水平排在河北省前列,但针对普通高中田径教学研究的资料相对匮乏。所以,本文以唐山市普通高中体育与健康课田径教学开展现状作为研究对象,随机抽取了14所普通高中作为调查对象。采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、测量法、访谈法、数理统计等研究方法,对田径教学现状进行了研究。通过对新课程背景下唐山市普通高中田径教学现状的调查,找出了目前唐山市普通高中田径教学中存在的一些问题,并提出一些改革对策和建议,为加快唐山市基础教育改革及提高田径教学质量提供一些参考意见。经全面调查分析,得出了如下结论:(1)样本学校田径教学目标总体相似;但田径教学目标完成情况要达到新课程标准的要求仍需一段时间。这要转变体育教师的教学观念,“以人为本”,重视学生的个性特点及兴趣培养、要关注学生的健康状况、社会环境的动态变化及学生未来发展的需要。(2)87.5%的体育教师认为田径课时数能否达到标准的要求,课时数充足。(3)田径教学内容不丰富、教学方法单一、教学评价片面。应注入具备“趣味、生活、个性特点”的教学内容。(4)教学方法较单一,应结合学生的现有水平选择合适教学方法。(5)体育教师专业及文化水平较高,但高级与特级教师人数少,继续教育水平与科研能力有待提高。应组织各种教学研究活动,更新教师的知识结构,提高体育教师的教学水平。(6)田径教学评价不全面。依照标准的要求,要从多方面对学生综合考核。(7)田径场地、器材整体配备一,应增加经费的投入和维修,改善田径教学现有条件。(8)体育教师工资量及工作待遇有待调整,提高体育教师生活质量。
[Abstract]:High school students, as part of the main body of teenagers, are at the peak of their physiological development and sensitive to psychological changes. However, in recent years, there have been reports that the overall level of middle school students' physical health is not high and that various chronic diseases are showing a trend of younger age. The health of future talents in our country is worrisome. The appearance of high school students has brought great challenges to our school physical education. The National Education Department has promulgated the General Senior High School physical Education and Health Curriculum Standard. Since its implementation, it has been guided by the idea of "health first." The teaching reform of physical education courses in primary and secondary schools has been carried out all over the country one after another. As a basic item, track and field projects are of great importance to students' strength, speed, endurance and agility. How can track and field teaching effect affect students' physical health to a certain extent, the quantity and quality of reserve of reserve talents are thought-provoking. Track and field items are required at least 1 credit. In implementing the spirit of the "Standard", the teaching of track and field events should play an exemplary role. But at present, there are still many problems in the process of track and field teaching in some parts of our country. For example, the arrangement of teaching content is unreasonable, the teaching method is single, the teaching evaluation is not comprehensive and so on. Tangshan City ranks first in education level in Hebei Province, but the materials for track and field teaching research in ordinary senior high schools are relatively scarce. The present situation of track and field teaching in physical education and health course in Tangshan City is taken as the research object, and 14 ordinary high schools are randomly selected as the object of investigation. The methods of literature, questionnaire, measurement and interview are adopted. Through investigating the current situation of track and field teaching in Tangshan City under the background of the new curriculum, this paper finds out some problems existing in track and field teaching in Tangshan ordinary senior high school. Some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to speed up the reform of basic education in Tangshan City and to improve the quality of track and field teaching. Through a comprehensive investigation and analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) the teaching objectives of track and field in the sample schools are generally similar; However, it will take some time for track and field teaching objectives to meet the requirements of the new curriculum standard. It is necessary to change the teaching concept of physical education teachers, "people-oriented", attach importance to the cultivation of students' personality and interest, and pay attention to the health of students. The dynamic change of the social environment and the need of the students' future development. 87.5% of the PE teachers think that the number of class hours can meet the requirements of the standard, the number of class hours is sufficient. 3) the track and field teaching content is not rich, and the teaching method is single. The teaching evaluation is one-sided. The teaching content with "interesting, life and personality characteristics" should be injected into the teaching method. (4) the teaching method should be single, and the appropriate teaching method should be selected according to the students' current level. 5) the PE teachers' professional and cultural level should be higher. However, the number of senior and special teachers is small, the level of continuing education and the ability of scientific research need to be improved. All kinds of teaching and research activities should be organized to renew the knowledge structure of teachers. To improve the teaching level of physical education teachers. 6) the evaluation of track and field teaching is not comprehensive. According to the requirements of the standard, the students should be comprehensively assessed from many aspects. The track and field venues should be equipped with the equipment as a whole, and the investment and maintenance of the funds should be increased. To improve the existing conditions of track and field teaching, the amount of salary and working treatment of PE teachers should be adjusted, and the quality of life of PE teachers should be improved.
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