本文选题:PISA 切入点:阅读素养 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近些年来,国际学术界和教育界普遍关注“教育与性别”这个热门话题。我国也逐渐认识到对不同性别的学生开展不同类型教育的必要性。在教育实践中,确实存在着男女生的性别差异问题,教育要充分发挥其功能,就离不开对这个问题的重视。阅读素养是一项基本的技能,是一个动态的概念,它随着社会和文化的发展变化而变化。人们使用、理解和反思各种信息的能力对于是否能够全面的参与知识社会有重要影响。阅读素养对于中学生的学业成绩非常重要。阅读素养好的学生在很多方面都能够占有优势。而在PISA 2009阅读测评中,各参与国中男生的阅读成绩普遍不如女生。因此,本研究针对男女生阅读习惯的差异,从性别差异角度出发,进行详细的分析和探讨。本文的研究目的为:探究中美两国的中学生在阅读素养方面分别存在何种性别差异;探讨存在性别差异的原因;通过中美两国对比,提出针对中国学生阅读素养性别差异的本土化解决策略和意见建议。本研究构建了性别影响阅读素养的假说模型,采用SPSS17.0和AMOS17.0统计软件对学生阅读素养的影响因素进行分析。分析结果表明,中美两国的学生性别均影响阅读成绩,且均为女生的阅读成绩高于男生。阅读参与度、阅读元认知策略和学习策略的使用均会影响学生的阅读素养,其中阅读元认知策略和阅读参与度中的喜爱阅读对学生的阅读素养影响最大。由此针对中学生性别差异教学提出以下建议,树立正确的性别差异观,在开发课程编制上融入性别差异视角,培养男生阅读兴趣,引导男生逐渐重视课外书籍的阅读。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the international academic and educational circles have generally paid attention to the hot topic of "Education and gender". China has also come to realize the necessity of different types of education for students of different genders. There is indeed a problem of gender differences between male and female students, and if education is to give full play to its function, it cannot be separated from paying attention to this problem. Reading literacy is a basic skill and a dynamic concept. It changes with the development of society and culture. The ability to understand and reflect on all kinds of information has an important impact on the ability to participate fully in the knowledge society. Reading literacy is very important for the academic achievement of middle school students. Students with good reading literacy can occupy it in many ways. In the PISA 2009 reading test, Boys generally do not perform as well as girls in all participating countries. Therefore, this study aims at the difference of reading habits between male and female students, starting from the perspective of gender differences. The purpose of this study is to explore the gender differences in the reading literacy of middle school students in China and the United States; to explore the reasons for the gender differences; to compare the two countries through the comparison between China and the United States. In this study, a hypothetical model of gender impact on reading literacy is proposed. SPSS17.0 and AMOS17.0 software were used to analyze the influencing factors of students' reading literacy. The results showed that the gender of Chinese and American students affected their reading scores, and both girls had higher reading scores than boys, and their reading participation was higher than that of boys. The use of reading metacognitive strategies and learning strategies will affect students' reading literacy. Among them, reading metacognitive strategies and reading participation have the greatest influence on students' reading literacy. Therefore, the following suggestions are put forward for the teaching of gender differences among middle school students, so as to establish a correct view of gender difference. In the development of curriculum, we should integrate gender perspective, cultivate boys' reading interest, and guide boys to pay more attention to the reading of extracurricular books.
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