本文选题:初中语文 切入点:教学方法 出处:《淮北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The new curriculum reform is the first important practice in the field of education after entering the new century, an important way to improve the comprehensive quality of students in an all-round way, and an important course to explore the direction of education reform for a long time. Chinese teaching reform is being carried out in the field of basic education in our country, and the reform of Chinese teaching in junior middle school is an important part of it. The reform of junior middle school Chinese teaching method is an indispensable part of junior middle school Chinese teaching reform. It is also a necessary means to achieve the purpose of Chinese teaching and improve the quality of Chinese teaching. The main contents of the reform of Chinese teaching methods in junior high school include: through integrating Chinese teaching with science and technology, Chinese teaching methods become more modern; With the different cognition of the teaching subject, the teaching method can change and apply flexibly, it is no longer a rigid concrete step; the teaching method is no longer confined to the traditional scope, Social changes and national policies have contributed to this reform. The transformation of teachers' teaching concepts, the demonstration and guidance of language education experts, and the development and change of teaching content, The improvement of teachers' professional level has pushed forward the reform from within. According to the developing direction of teaching methods, it is suggested that the reform of junior high school Chinese teaching methods should be promoted by the following ways: further implementing the informatization of junior high school Chinese teaching methods, Curriculum integration; use of interdisciplinary Chinese teaching methods to break down the subject barriers; advocate the use of personalized junior high school Chinese teaching methods; training of new Chinese teachers, including reflective language teachers and community language teachers, Teachers should study in teaching practice and lead the reform of new teaching methods.
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