本文选题:数字星球系统 切入点:中学地理学科能力 出处:《河北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Ability is the measure of life object's level of exploration, cognition and transformation of nature, and the quality embodied in accomplishing a goal or task. Middle school education should not only cultivate students' essential basic knowledge of subject, but also attach importance to the construction of subject ability. The ability of geography is an important part of geographical scientific literacy. Paying close attention to the ability of geography is the task of geography teaching in middle school in our time and society. As a new teaching assistant medium, digital planet system is in the ascendant in geography teaching in middle school. This study is oriented to the cultivation of students' geography ability. Firstly, the author summarizes the previous studies by referring to the relevant basic literature, and then, through the questionnaire survey, Interview method to understand the current situation of secondary school geography ability training, comprehensive digital planet system function and geographical discipline characteristics of the digital planet system to analyze the advantages of the digital planet system to cultivate the geography of middle school students. This paper tries to discuss and put forward some specific strategies for cultivating the geography ability of middle school students based on the digital planet system. The main content is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, which is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, the second, the third, and the fourth, the first chapter is the introduction, the second, the third and the fourth. The first chapter introduces the research background of the rapid development of modern information technology, the promotion of geography curriculum reform in middle school and the increasing importance of geography ability. This paper expounds the significance of the research from theory and practice, and summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of the digital planet system applied in geography teaching in middle school. It includes the definition of concept (the sharp perception of the geographical spatial pattern; the analysis of geographical process, the ability of imagination and simple prediction; the ability of geographic information processing; the ability of using geography to solve practical problems) and the summary of importance; The third chapter investigates and analyzes the current situation of geography ability cultivation of middle school students, the fourth chapter discusses the digital planet system and geography teaching in middle school, including the origin and function of digital planet system, The introduction of the characteristics and the analysis of the advantages and significance of the application in geography teaching. Chapter five studies the principles and strategies of cultivating the geography ability of middle school students based on the digital planet system. The sixth chapter summarizes the research on the cultivation of geography ability of middle school students based on digital planet system.
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