本文选题:义务教育阶段 切入点:平面几何 出处:《延安大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The reform of geometry curriculum and teaching has always been a hot topic in mathematics education. It plays an important role in cultivating students' three-dimensional spatial ability, image thinking ability, reasonable reasoning and the establishment of analytic geometry concept.Roundness is one of the most important contents of geometry curriculum in compulsory education and senior high school. Many researchers have studied and discussed it from many angles, levels and dimensions, but generally speaking,In the existing research results of circular knowledge in plane geometry, most of them are carried out from the perspective of geometry as a whole.A detailed, systematic and specialized study of circular knowledge in primary and secondary schools.Based on the current mathematics teaching materials of primary and middle schools, this paper makes a systematic study on the circular knowledge and its distribution of primary and secondary schools arranged in plane geometry, and gives a theoretical interpretation of it in combination with the newly promulgated mathematics curriculum standards in primary and secondary schools.This paper makes a detailed analysis of the presentation and arrangement of circular knowledge in each learning section of primary and secondary schools.At the same time, according to the analysis of SOLO classification theory, the concrete analysis of students' geometric thinking level and the characteristics of students' thinking structure level when answering related questions in the process of learning circular knowledge.Finally, according to the research results of this paper, some teaching suggestions are put forward for the practical teaching of circular knowledge in plane geometry and the study of students in primary and middle school mathematics textbooks.This article mainly uses the theory analysis method, the content analysis method and the teaching fragment analysis method and so on research method.There are five chapters in this paper.The first chapter focuses on introducing the history and present situation of the research of geometry course at home and abroad. On the basis of elaborating and classifying the literature review of geometry research in detail, the paper puts forward the problems to be studied in this paper, and expounds the purpose and significance of the research.The research method and framework are introduced.The second chapter mainly focuses on the presentation of circular knowledge in the compulsory education stage and the senior middle school stage, and makes a thorough analysis of the distribution of circular knowledge in the plane geometry of primary and secondary schools.Combined with the relevant regulations of the new mathematics curriculum standard, this paper discusses the problem of the interconnectedness of the circular knowledge of each learning section, and then makes a simple analysis of the circular knowledge in primary and secondary schools.Chapter 3 introduces and generalizes the SOLO classification theory and the theoretical basis of the theory.By using the classification theory, this paper analyzes the geometric thinking level of the most typical and representative segments of practical classroom teaching in the circular knowledge of the middle and primary schools.In chapter 4, on the basis of the research results of the above chapters, some concrete, feasible and targeted suggestions are put forward for the teaching of circular knowledge in plane geometry in four sections of primary and secondary schools.Chapter 5, while reflecting on the shortcomings of the thesis and facing the limitations of the research, provides some better ideas for the further study of the practical teaching of circular knowledge in primary and secondary schools.
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