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发布时间:2018-04-15 21:20

  本文选题:诊断式教学 + 初中地理教学 ; 参考:《河南大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Put forward a new teaching method of a new round of curriculum reform of compulsory education in junior high school geography teachers: Teachers' teaching methods and used to reflect the "science" and "art", "human nature". Different teaching contents, for different students, the teaching methods are different however. Ability, theory and teaching design of junior high school geography teachers lack of teaching methods of the system, which leads to the low quality of junior high school geography teaching difficulties. Therefore, the junior middle school geography teachers need to have a complete set of effects on teaching factors were the teaching method of "diagnosis", the whole process that the use of "on the junior high school geography teaching diagnosis teaching" to diagnose design. This paper follow the "discovery problem, propose solutions and verify solutions" ideas. First from the new curriculum reform of Geography Two requirements and analysis of the traditional teaching method of the shackles of introduces the background of this paper. The significance of the study, this paper expounds from two aspects of theory and practice, which is conducive to the promotion of effective teaching, to promote students' all-round development, is conducive to the development of teachers' individualized teaching, to improve students geography learning motivation and interest, beneficial to the professional development of teachers and improve students' scores. Secondly, the concept of "teaching diagnosis" and "diagnosis teaching" has carried on the preliminary definition, that "teaching diagnosis" means that the teacher uses the relevant theories in the teaching process of teachers' and students' behavior are constantly checking, judgment, we found that barriers, barriers in solving process; diagnosis of "teaching" is a students difference based teaching methods and differentiated teaching. Foreign scholars on the diagnosis of type A study of teaching mainly focuses on the influence of instructional design, learning, teaching objectives, teaching evaluation level, implementation level and study of diagnostic teaching of domestic scholars are more inclined to diagnosis teaching. The two aspects are combined to promote the smooth implementation of diagnostic teaching in Junior Geography Teaching in the professional development, and promote the all-round development of students and teachers, is the core of the paper. Through on-the-spot investigation, obtained in geography teaching in middle school teachers are lack of diagnosis teaching theory and method of the system, the students interest in learning geography and learning motivation is low. The prescription teaching principle, teaching process optimization the theory of difference teaching theory and multiple intelligence theory, this paper from five aspects of diagnosis design of junior high school geography teaching is the teaching of diagnosis, background, The teaching content, teaching objectives, teaching strategies, teaching evaluation of diagnostic design. Each part according to "theory - Method (steps) - expansion and detailed design of the hierarchy." teaching background diagnosis "includes on learners' status, the status of teachers, teaching material environment and usage of diagnostic teaching support environment the main points of diagnosis of junior high school geography teachers in geography teaching background for the analysis of the data collection phase, design stage, three stages." diagnosis teaching diagnosis "includes knowledge types and status of the students on teaching content, teaching contents of junior middle school teachers diagnosed mainly in junior high school geography curriculum standard, geography the nature, diagnosis of geography textbooks." teaching design diagnosis "part mainly includes teaching objectives to reflect the systematic, comprehensive and difference of junior high school geography. The design of teaching objectives to diagnosis classification from the teaching objective, teaching objective diagnosis steps, determine the geography teaching target representation methods and other aspects of the design; the teaching strategies of "diagnosis" part mainly expounds the teaching strategies include teachers' teaching strategies and students "learning" strategy, and the design of junior high school geography teaching strategy how about the curriculum organization type, teaching method, teaching media selection. The diagnosis methods of teaching evaluation diagnosis "includes diagnosis teaching from the perspective of teaching evaluation should follow the value orientation and the junior high school geography teaching evaluation. The effective design of the diagnostic teaching, practice teaching in junior middle school will diagnosis geography teaching, through the experimental comparison of the implementation of diagnostic teaching results, the diagnostic teaching can promote students' learning geography achievement To improve, it can promote the students to improve geography learning interest and motivation level etc. conclusion. At the same time, the research process in the diagnosis of teaching were also found in the geography teacher diagnosis teaching ability is insufficient, the diagnostic teaching workload is the main factors hindering the smooth implementation of the diagnostic teaching, need to continue to explore and solve in daily teaching.



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