本文选题:英语家庭作业 + 内容 ; 参考:《延安大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an important part of Chinese educational tradition, English homework in senior high school is an effective supplementary form for teachers to teach in addition to classroom teaching. At the same time, as the extension of school education, it can make up for the deficiency of classroom teaching. Since the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the educational objectives of our country have undergone tremendous changes, gradually changing from "examination-oriented education", which only focused on students' achievements, to "quality-oriented education" which focuses on the all-round development of students. However, both examination-oriented education and quality-oriented education pay more attention to the positive role of English homework in English teaching. The purpose of choosing to study the present situation of English homework is to find a better way to improve students' English comprehensive ability and to promote the development of the new curriculum reform. In this paper, through the analysis of the existing research results at home and abroad, combined with the current situation of local education, 200 students and 17 teachers in Yanan ordinary middle school and key middle school were investigated by questionnaire. Then the results are summarized from four aspects: the content of English homework, the time of completion of English homework, the cognition of English homework, and the feedback of English homework. So we can find some problems existing in high school English homework. The purpose of this paper is to make teachers and students have a good understanding of the present situation of homework, so as to promote students and teachers to develop and progress more efficiently in the practice of homework in the future. Through this study, we can draw the following conclusion: (1) from the perspective of English homework content, the content of English homework is relatively single, lacking some innovation, and the proportion of students' written homework content is still relatively large. Students' willingness to participate in the content design of homework is relatively weak, not strong enough) from the perspective of the time of completion of English homework, at present students basically have English homework every day, and the homework time is still more appropriate. Teachers have a good grasp and understanding of the students' basic abilities. In terms of understanding of English homework, students and teachers are not mature enough to pay attention only to their knowledge of homework. Neglecting the cultivation of the ability to be independent and to explore with others is far from enough, and there is not much difference from the new curriculum before the reform.) in terms of feedback on English homework, Teachers themselves participate in the feedback of students' homework, and mainly by typing the correct and wrong numbers, pointing out and correcting the errors of the two ways for students to correct the feedback. It is obvious that most students like the teacher to point out and correct the mistakes of their homework, and they are more resistant to simply typing the correct and wrong numbers. Students also prefer the teacher to give feedback to his homework by writing comments. In order to obtain more reference feedback. At the same time, it can also be seen that teachers' feedback forms for students' English homework gradually show diversity, and students' mutual correction and other correction methods account for a certain amount of each other. In the end, this study puts forward some suggestions on some outstanding problems existing in the present situation of English homework in senior high school, which can be used for reference in English teaching in senior high school, and then promote the development of English teaching in senior high school.
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