本文选题:基础教育 + 古筝 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:China's national culture has a long history, has a long history of thousands of years, and the history of music culture is also long. China's traditional musical instruments are formed from historical accumulation. It is an important form and carrier of Chinese cultural treasures. The teaching object of basic music education is all primary and middle school students. It is an effective method for the implementation of aesthetic education. The zither enters the basic music classroom teaching in China, which can make the primary and middle school students acquire the music knowledge such as the guzheng performance skills, and improve the cultural accomplishment of the primary and middle school students in practice and benefit the whole life. The basic music classroom in China is an organic whole, which integrates all kinds of music fields. Owing to the great influence of Western cultural ideas, education in our country is basically comprehensive westernization, and the music education in our country is also the same. Since the theory of music education is influenced by Western ideas and aesthetic concepts, the music education in our country is guided by Western cultural ideas, and the system and methods of music education are all westernized. However, it leads to the marginalization of national music education. It can be said to be a dismal operation and even part of the national music. As an indispensable part of the national music, national instrumental music is the first to bear the brunt of the national instrumental music. How to inherit and carry forward the national instrumental music education in our country, then carry forward the excellent traditional culture of our country, make the Chinese civilization better serve the world development, is the responsibility of the educators in our country. It is the duty of the music educators to carry out the national instrumental music education in the large proportion of education, and it is the duty of the music educators. In this age of emphasizing quality education, the quality education of music has become more and more concerned with the public. For example, the traditional instrumental music, such as zither, is of extraordinary status. As a traditional instrument in our country, the guzheng is widely concerned because it can play the sound of music and listen. For many years, we have summed up the work and experience from the teaching experience for many years, and study the guzheng into the basic music classroom teaching in China, hoping to help the later people, and hope that the zither education can be better developed in our country.
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