本文选题:信阳 + 民间美术资源 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of society and the rapid development of economy, the competition for talents is becoming more fierce. The all-around quality education has become an important measure to train high-quality talents in accordance with the economic development. Chinese folk art is a cultural form with rich cultural connotations and distinct regional characteristics, which is the crystallization of nationality and national spirit. In the party's eighteenth report, Xi Jinping first elaborated on "Chinese Dream," in which he pointed out that everyone has ideals and pursuits, and dreams of their own. Now, we are talking about Chinese Dream, and I think that realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times. This dream embodies the aspirations of several generations of Chinese people, embodies the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the common aspirations of the Chinese people, and is the common expectation of every Chinese people. Xinyang folk art is the crystallization of national culture and wisdom, created by the people and used by the people. Huabin's mud blowing is made by an old folk artist to make children quiet, at the same time, auspicious and gradually become a representative folk culture. Both the content and the form of Xinyang folk art reflect the local people's pursuit of a better life, love of life, the true feelings of the country, the expectation of happiness, and reflect the spirit of optimism and upward. To study and understand the folk art of Xinyang is the only way to protect the root of Xinyang culture. It is the inevitable choice to inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of Xinyang region and to realize Chinese Dream. It is of great significance to bring Xinyang folk art resources into the art teaching system, not only to the students and teachers, but also to the new standard of the basic education curriculum. This paper begins with the characteristics of Xinyang folk art resources, and discusses the applied value of Xinyang folk art resources. This paper investigates and studies the art education in primary and secondary schools in Xinyang, and analyzes the current situation of the application of folk art resources in the art education in primary and secondary schools. The specific methods and measures for the application of folk art resources in the art education of primary and secondary schools in Xinyang are put forward. Reminding us that those who are and will be engaged in art education are able to attach importance to the application of Xinyang folk cultural resources in art education, to highlight the characteristics of art education, and to give full play to the advantages of Xinyang folk art. Combining Xinyang folk art with modern art education organically and making reasonable teaching plans, and carrying out more communication and sharing of relevant work, so as to better complete the contents of educational work. So that the fine arts education in primary and secondary schools to get better development and promotion.
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