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发布时间:2018-06-08 22:18

  本文选题:新课程改革 + 初中思想品德课 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the further implementation of ideological and moral course in junior high school, the new curriculum concept can be innovated. The concept of the new curriculum requires that the ideological and moral course of junior high school should pay attention to the practicality and openness of classroom implementation in the process of teaching, and construct a curriculum based on life and supported by subject knowledge. Due to its close connection with the characteristics of the subject and the times, classroom drama provides an effective method for junior high school students to study independently and explore actively. The so-called classroom drama means that in the middle school ideological and moral classroom teaching, the teacher guides or assists the students in performing activities, provides knowledge materials according to the textbooks, links the students' reality, as well as the surrounding environment or other cognitive knowledge, and prepares a short script. Let the students play the role in the play, create the teaching atmosphere in the form of acting, so as to achieve a vivid and intuitive situation in which the students' comprehensive ability and the ability of social practice can be created. In order to make up for the limitations of traditional teaching and adapt to the needs of the new curriculum reform, the teaching method should be widely used in the middle school ideological and moral classroom for the needs of teachers and students to grow up. Based on the relevant literature and practice, this paper examines the deficiency of students' comprehensive ability training in junior middle school, such as different knowledge and practice, backward educational concepts, outdated teaching methods, and lack of comprehensive ability training. On the basis of students' lack of enthusiasm for learning, combined with the curriculum reform of basic education, a new method is put forward for the construction of new classroom. The thesis mainly includes the following three parts: the first part elaborates the classroom drama and its related contents, defines the concept of the classroom drama clearly, and scientifically analyzes the five characteristics of the classroom drama: simple, brief, flexible and educational. Subjectivity, drama and creativity. Only by clarifying the concept of classroom drama and understanding the characteristics of classroom play can we better apply classroom drama to the ideological and moral class of junior high school. The second part takes the new curriculum reform as the background, analyzes and summarizes the four teaching functions of classroom drama: arousing students' interest, telling "live" classroom, optimizing classroom teaching, improving classroom efficiency and quality, carrying out classroom teaching and improving teachers' professional accomplishment. Cultivate students' comprehensive ability, establish noble moral sentiment, scientifically expound the necessity of the implementation of classroom drama. In the third part, on the basis of putting forward what classroom drama is and what teaching function it has, the author focuses on the deep analysis of the application of classroom drama in junior high school ideological and moral teaching and the explanation of concrete teaching cases. At the same time, the paper analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of the classroom drama in the middle school ideological and moral lesson teaching. It shows that: excessive emphasis on performance, neglect of the study of basic knowledge, frequent performances, too many teachers' presuppositions, and lack of students' space to generate, Only some students are involved in the development of classroom drama, which has some limitations. The optimization strategy is put forward in view of the deficiencies in the process of using classroom drama. In a word, through this paper, the application of classroom drama, the value of research and the importance of classroom play will be understood. So in the teaching practice in the future, we should consider how to carry forward the classroom drama in the ideological and moral class of junior middle school, and how to make it more valuable in the ideological and moral class. At the same time, I hope to provide practical reference and theoretical guidance for the majority of ideological and political teachers.


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