[Abstract]:The Chinese traditional virtues, which have no exhaustion of human thoughts, are the treasure house of the Chinese nation and the source of moral education. While promoting social development and progress, it is also a cultural gene rooted in the inner heart of the nation. As a cultural source, it not only defends the society of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. It also has an important influence on the social progress and the moral and cultural category under the development of science and technology. Mining the value of the traditional virtue education of junior high school students is not only conducive to deepening and enriching the content of moral education, but also helps to improve the effectiveness of the traditional moral education of junior high school students and promote the formation of correct ideological ideology of junior high school students. The relevant theories of educational psychology and ideological and moral discipline of junior high school, combined with the content of traditional virtues, and the methods of literature, observation and interview, have explored the traditional virtue education of junior high school students from different angles and different thinking directions. This paper expounds the meaning of virtue, traditional virtue and traditional virtue education in detail. And the significance of traditional virtue education for junior high school students. On this basis, the contents of traditional virtue education of junior high school students are analyzed and summarized, including personal virtues, family virtues, public life virtues and patriotism education. Finally, in combination with the content of traditional virtues education, three aspects of realizing the premise, realizing principles and realizing ways are made to junior high school. The implementation of the traditional virtues education has been carried out in a specific and in-depth study, namely, adhering to the principles of science, subjectivity and practice, relying on social practice, taking family moral education as the base, taking extracurricular activities as the carrier, taking ideological and moral teaching as the main channel, and planting traditional virtues in the moral education of junior high school students. The analysis of the traditional virtue education of junior high school students and the corresponding practice path are not only enriched the method of moral education, deepened the theory of moral education, but also beneficial to the teaching methods of teacher education. Improvement and expansion.
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