[Abstract]:(CALL) Computer-Aided language Teaching is a new direction of English teaching reform. Call emphasizes that students can learn the language through the use of computer. By combining teaching content, teaching process and computer aid effectively, we can get the best teaching effect. At present, enough attention has been paid to the study of "Computer-assisted language Teaching" in China, and the related research results are relatively rich, but most of the research is mainly focused on the whole English teaching in ordinary colleges and universities. The research on computer-assisted English reading teaching in junior high school is still rare in China. As an important part of language skills, English reading plays an important role in English teaching. However, the reading comprehension of junior high school students is not satisfactory, although many teachers spend more time and energy on reading. Most students lack interest in reading under the influence of traditional teaching methods. Therefore, it is urgent for junior high school English reading teaching to improve the teaching mode, improve the teaching effect and stimulate the students' attitude and interest in learning English. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of computer-assisted English reading teaching in junior high school English reading teaching. In this paper, the author first analyzes the present situation of English reading teaching and the obstacles affecting students' reading, and then introduces the feasibility of computer-assisted English reading teaching. In the part of theoretical research, the theory of CAI is reviewed. In the experiment part, the author conducted an 18-week experiment in the experimental class with computer-aided instruction. The experimental data were mainly from two questionnaires before and after the experiment, interviews after the experiment, and the pre-test and post-test. Through two questionnaires, interviews and comparative analysis of data between pre-test and post-test, it is proved that computer-assisted teaching can stimulate students' interest in English reading and improve their English reading ability, especially the interactive question and answer section of reading. There has been some effective improvement in the students' grades. In addition, students' initiative in learning has also been significantly improved. For the control class, the author also takes the same teaching content and teaching time, carries on the pre-test and the post-test, the result has not changed obviously. This proves that CALL is more effective in English reading teaching. The author also puts forward some suggestions: on the one hand, educational departments and schools should pay full attention to the reform of English teaching mode in middle schools, reasonably introduce more teaching platforms and teaching software, and give some financial and financial support. To lighten the teacher's burden. On the other hand, teachers should strengthen the task-based teaching management, link the whole module content with the complete task while preparing lessons, and make the corresponding evaluation and give them effective guidance, so that the students will not browse the web at will. Their learning efficiency will also be improved to further improve the computer-assisted English reading teaching in junior high schools.
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