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发布时间:2018-10-04 18:17
【摘要】:学习动机作为一种非智力因素对学生学习的影响,日益引起教育界的普遍关注。在众多的动机理论中,ARCS动机设计模式被认为是最系统、且易于操作的理论,其有效性得到了国内外大量教育实践的证实和检验。该模式的提出者Keller教授认为影响学生学习动机的因素主要有四类,即:注意(Attention)、相关(Relevance)、自信心(Confidence)、满足感(Satisfaction),取四个英文单词的首字母,简称为ARCS动机模式。该模式认为教学过程首先必须引起学生的注意,并与学生的需要和已有知识建立联系,且在整个教学过程中帮助学生树立自信心,从而对学习活动达到自我满足感。通过文献阅读,在整理分析了 ARCS动机模式的相关研究之后,确定了本研究的研究思路和方法。首先,以ARCS动机激励策略为基础,结合化学教学的特点,构建了适合中学化学课堂教学的编码系统。其次,选择了 20节高中化学优质课为研究对象,对课堂教学实录进行了编码、统计和分析。最后,结合具体的教学案例对每一个动机激励策略的使用特征进行了逐一地分析。从而归纳总结优质课教学中教师是如何使用动机激励策略来激发和维持学生的化学学习动机的,以期为化学课堂教学提出一些有价值的建议,供广大化学教师参考和借鉴。通过上述研究,本文认为,ARCS动机设计模式适用于化学课堂教学。尽管没有经过ARCS动机设计的系统训练,但在优质课教学中,教师们使用了大量符合该模式的动机激励策略,其中使用最多的策略有:“具体化”、“质疑”、“变化”、“参与”、“经验”、“积极结果”。并且,在教学过程中,四种动机指向的策略并不是孤立的,单独地被使用,而是相互配合、交叉使用,从而有效地激发和维持学生的化学学习动机。以具体案例分析为支撑,本研究认为,在课堂教学中,教师可以采用以下策略来激发和维持学生的化学学习动机:第一,采用多样化的手段,引起并维持学生对学习活动的注意;第二,使学习活动与学生产生相关性,以激发学生的学习动机;第三,帮助学生建立学习化学的自信心;第四,强化个人努力,使学生对学习活动获得满足感。
[Abstract]:As a non-intellectual factor, the influence of learning motivation on students' learning has attracted more and more attention. Among the many motivational theories, ARCS motivation design pattern is considered to be the most systematic and easy to operate theory, and its validity has been verified and verified by a large number of educational practices at home and abroad. Professor Keller, the author of this model, believes that there are four main factors that affect students' learning motivation, that is, to pay attention to (Attention), related to (Relevance), self-confidence, (Confidence), satisfaction, (Satisfaction), takes the initials of four English words, which is referred to as ARCS motivation model. The model holds that the teaching process must first attract students' attention and establish a relationship with students' needs and existing knowledge, and help students establish self-confidence in the whole teaching process so as to achieve self-satisfaction in learning activities. After analyzing the relevant research of ARCS motivation model through literature reading, the research ideas and methods of this study are determined. Firstly, based on the motivation strategy of ARCS and the characteristics of chemistry teaching, a coding system suitable for middle school chemistry classroom teaching is constructed. Secondly, 20 high school chemistry high-quality courses are chosen as the research object, and the classroom teaching record is coded, counted and analyzed. Finally, the characteristics of each motivation strategy are analyzed one by one with specific teaching cases. Therefore, this paper sums up how teachers use motivational strategies to stimulate and maintain students' chemistry learning motivation in the teaching of high quality courses, in order to put forward some valuable suggestions for chemistry classroom teaching, for the majority of chemistry teachers to refer to and use for reference. Through the above research, this paper thinks that ARCS motivation design model is suitable for chemistry classroom teaching. Although there is no systematic training in ARCS motivation design, teachers use a large number of motivational incentive strategies that conform to this model in high quality teaching. The most used strategies are: "concretization", "query", "change". "participation," experience, "positive results." Moreover, in the process of teaching, the four strategies of motivation direction are not isolated and used alone, but cooperate with each other and cross use each other, so as to stimulate and maintain students' chemistry learning motivation effectively. Supported by specific case studies, this study holds that in classroom teaching, teachers can use the following strategies to stimulate and maintain students' chemistry learning motivation: first, adopt a variety of means. To arouse and maintain students' attention to learning activities; second, to make learning activities relevant to students in order to stimulate students' learning motivation; third, to help students build self-confidence in learning chemistry; fourth, to strengthen individual efforts, Give students a sense of satisfaction with their learning activities.


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