[Abstract]:Cheng Hongbing is a famous Chinese teacher in middle school in our country. He has made remarkable achievements in Chinese teaching and school management, especially in the concept of "Chinese personality education", which has a wide influence in the whole country. Studying the practical application and dynamic development of his educational idea will be of great significance to the improvement of Chinese teaching for the majority of middle school Chinese teachers. This article from the Cheng Hongbing teacher Chinese personality education thought practice application and the dynamic development two aspects, through the case analysis method and the literature research method, explored may let the front line teacher or the principal may study and draw lessons the experience method. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the basis of the topic, literature review, concept, research ideas and research methods. The second part is the practical application of the concept of Chinese personality education advocated by teacher Cheng Hongbing: the development track of Chinese personality education, the analysis of teaching cases, and the infiltration of books written by Cheng Hongbing. The third part is the dynamic development of Cheng Hongbing teacher's concept of Chinese personality education: the practical application of Chinese personality education thought in Jianping Middle School, the continuity of Cheng Hongbing's and Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School from Jianping to Mingde, and the continuity of Cheng Hongbing's thought. The fourth part is to analyze the deficiency of Cheng Hongbing teacher's Chinese personality education: not paying enough attention to the function of Chinese teacher's personality, and discussing the significance of personality environment. The fifth part is the author studies Cheng Hongbing teacher's Chinese personality education idea, according to own practice experience, own ponder to the Chinese personality education, puts forward three enlightenment to the present middle school Chinese teaching: stands in the student's angle earnestly, Taking the students as the main body, the Chinese teaching mode of "independence and inquiry", the personality charm of the Chinese teachers themselves. Finally, the conclusion is that the ideas and methods put forward by Cheng Hongbing for Chinese teaching and school management are worthy of reference and study by front-line teachers, and have a positive guiding role for us to engage in Chinese teaching.
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