[Abstract]:It is precisely because of the important teaching value of the concept in the topic "Hydrolysis of Salt", and because students still have a large number of misconceptions in the study of this topic until the third year of senior high school. Therefore, it is necessary to select the topic of hydrolysis of salts for the study of teaching theory. Combing the myth concept and its causes in the review of the topic of "Hydrolysis of Salt" for the third grade students, and searching for the feasible teaching strategy which is beneficial to the concept transformation. In order to provide a scientific reference for teachers in the review of concept topics. Based on the literature review of constructivism and conceptual transformation, this paper discusses the status and function of the topic of "hydrolysis of salts" in the teaching process, and makes a careful analysis of the specific teaching contents of the topic. The knowledge value and basic concept are explored theoretically. In view of the requirement that the students' ability of knowledge transfer and application should be raised to a new level in the review course of Senior 3, the principle of salt hydrolysis, the factors influencing the balance of hydrolysis, the comparison of particles in solution, the ionization, The comprehensive application of hydrolysis "four dimensions as the carrier compiled 10 pre-test questions, selected two senior high school students in a four-star high school parallel class to test, and then the experimental class using the" concept change theory "of the relevant teaching strategies to review. The control class uses the traditional review method to study, and finally analyzes the change of the students' knowledge mastery through the post-test. The conclusions of the practical research are as follows: (1) through the pre-test questions, it is concluded that there are still a large number of myth concepts in the topic of "Hydrolysis of Salt", which shows the concealment and obstinacy of the myth concept. Therefore, it is necessary for the third grade teachers to explore and study the chemistry concept before reviewing. (2) by comparing the data of the two classes involved in the experiment, a teaching strategy of "cognitive conflict" using the "concept transformation theory" is obtained. The teaching strategy of "analogy" can effectively promote the teaching of "hydrolysis of salt", promote the improvement of students' higher level of thinking, and help students to solve problems by using the methodology of "particle view".
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