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发布时间:2019-05-23 22:38
[Abstract]:Autonomous learning is an important topic in educational research nowadays. It is not only an effective form of learning, but also the goal of teaching. The current curriculum reform in China puts forward special requirements for autonomous learning ability, so the effective implementation of autonomous reading strategies in English teaching meets the needs of English curriculum reform. At the same time, the improvement of reading ability is one of the important goals of English learning. However, the traditional teaching methods and learning models have led to the low reading ability of the students as a whole, which has become the biggest obstacle to English reading teaching in secondary vocational schools. Moreover, the traditional methods suppress students' interest in learning, and the lack of learning strategies also hinders their learning. Although many scholars have done some theoretical and practical research on this problem, they mainly focus on primary and secondary schools, and the research on secondary vocational school students is relatively scarce. Therefore, in view of these problems, this paper studies the influence of autonomous reading strategies on English reading of secondary vocational school students. This paper studies the following questions. 1) what is the current situation of autonomous reading strategies used by secondary vocational school students? 2) can autonomous reading strategy training improve students' use of this strategy? 3) Autonomous reading strategy training for English reading What is the influence of autonomous reading strategies on English reading performance and autonomous reading strategy use of secondary vocational school students with different English proficiency? 5) are there any differences between boys and girls in the use of autonomous reading strategies and English scores? In this study, questionnaires, teaching experiments and interviews were used to collect data, and the influence of autonomous reading strategies on English reading of secondary vocational school students was analyzed. Through descriptive analysis, it is found that the present situation of secondary vocational school students using autonomous learning strategies in English reading is not optimistic. Autonomous reading strategy training improves the use of autonomous reading strategies in the experimental class, mainly using pairing sample test and independent sample test, and autonomous reading strategy training improves the English reading performance of the students in the experimental class. The effects of autonomous reading strategies on the use of autonomous reading strategies and reading scores of students with different English proficiency (high, middle and low) in the experimental class are different, and the resource use strategies of high and low group students are improved obviously. However, the use of metacognition strategies was more significant among the students in the middle school group. Through comparative analysis, it is found that there are differences between boys and girls in the use of autonomous reading strategies and reading performance. Boys use resource use strategies more frequently, while girls use metacognition strategies more frequently. Finally, this paper summarizes the influence of autonomous reading strategies on English reading of secondary vocational school students, and puts forward some suggestions on how to teach and learn to use autonomous reading strategies. The author hopes that this study will play a guiding role in the teaching of English reading in secondary vocational schools in the future.


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