本文关键词:家电企业海外并购整合风险研究 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The development of home appliance industry has formed a mature market competition environment, the competition between domestic enterprises is extremely fierce, its industry characteristics determine the necessity of the home appliance enterprises to open the way of internationalization. Overseas M & A has gradually become a powerful means for home appliance enterprises to improve their technical level and obtain market resources. Overseas M & A is the most complex and difficult form of various international investments, which requires political, economic and legal commitments. Finance, operation and many other risks. Originally have different corporate culture and management mechanism and other factors of M & A, there must be differences in management concepts, business models and so on. M & A integration is the key to the success of M & A. in order to make overseas M & A produce 12% effect, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of integration risk in M & A. Because the data is difficult to obtain and the definition of risk factors is different, the quantitative method is seldom used. This paper uses case analysis method, combined with AHP method and Delphi method. Through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of overseas M & A integration risk of household appliance enterprises, this paper provides some reference for overseas M & A in household appliances industry. This paper is based on M & A integration theory and risk management theory. After expounding the situation of overseas M & A in Chinese household appliance industry, the paper analyzes the risks in the process of overseas M & A integration, and establishes the risk hierarchy of overseas M & A integration. Use AHP method to analyze various risk factors, and obtain the weight of each risk factor on the integration effect of overseas M & A. combined with the case of Haier M & A GEA to carry on the concrete analysis. First of all, the integration risk of M & A is analyzed theoretically, then quantitative analysis is carried out by using AHP method to verify the scientific nature and reliability of the conclusion. Finally, according to the results of the analysis. Put forward the corresponding prevention and control measures for the overseas M & A integration risk of Chinese household appliance industry. The research found that the overseas M & A integration risk of home appliance enterprises includes macro level and micro level risk. Political and legal risk, strategic integration risk and business integration risk are the main risks of overseas M & A integration, organizational structure and management integration risk. Human resources integration risk and social humanistic risk are secondary risks, while financial integration risk, cultural integration risk and economic risk tend to be moderate. This paper puts forward four effective measures of risk management: making effective strategic integration plan, paying attention to the innovation of management, realizing the integration of financial management and seeking common ground while reserving differences on the basis of full communication. To deal with these overseas mergers and acquisitions integration risk.
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