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发布时间:2018-02-04 11:18

  本文关键词: 工程机械行业 国际化经营 国际市场营销 技术创新 品牌国际化 本土化 出处:《黑龙江大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of economic globalization, the international market competition, enterprises have gradually realized the development of Chinese only for international operations in order to achieve better. By summarizing the existing XCMG internationalization strategy, discover the existing problems and put forward to further improve the proposal, not only can promote the internationalization of Xugong Group, also can provide some reference for the internationalization of China's other engineering machinery enterprises. This paper takes the international trade theory, international investment and international business enterprises as the foundation, motivation of combing the XCMG internationalization of the process and the current international business strategy, and the internationalization of the management effect and existing problems are analyzed, then using PEST and Potter five forces competitive model analysis analysis of environmental factors of international business law to expand to XCMG, put forward perfect Xuzhou Strategic recommendations for international operation, some guarantee measures for the implementation of the strategy is given. This paper argues that Xugong Group already has a clear way to expand overseas, the strategic thought of technology innovation and information technology and other aspects, but the export product categories less are still in the process of internationalization of enterprises in the overseas market, the strategic layout to be perfect, overseas revenue accounted for a small as well as financing ability and financial control is weak and other issues, in international business in the future, you may consider the product, brand, to perfect Xu Gongguo international strategy and localization of overseas market entry, and provide financial, human resources, corporate culture, technology and other aspects of security, accelerate the development of enterprise internationalization.



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