[Abstract]:[objective] to explore the development of agricultural modernization in Hebei Province from the perspective of informatization, in order to provide a theoretical reference for the development of agricultural informatization in China. [methods] the related documents were collected and sorted by the method of literature review, and the related research and results of agricultural informatization in Hebei Province were understood, and the existing problems were summarized by system analysis method, and the concrete guiding opinions were put forward. [results] Langfang City, located between Beijing and Tianjin, ranked first in the comprehensive level of agricultural informatization and in the popularization and application index of agricultural informatization, and Tangshan City ranked first in the agricultural informatization infrastructure. Shijiazhuang, as the provincial capital of Hebei Province, ranks first in the human resource index of agricultural informatization, while Hengshui ranks first in the main environmental index of agricultural informatization. In recent years, although Hebei Province has increased the infrastructure of modern agriculture, such as modern parks and high standard basic farmland, it is still subject to incomplete information service systems and a large demand for funds. The contradiction between the supply and demand of information service and the lack of high quality agricultural information personnel. [conclusion] in order to develop modern agriculture vigorously, we should integrate the concept of informatization into the construction of agricultural modernization, perfect the hardware and software facilities of agricultural information service, enhance the practicability of agricultural information service, and construct a perfect guarantee mechanism of agricultural information. The construction of specialized agricultural information service team to promote the quality of agricultural information workers, and ultimately promote the rapid and healthy development of agricultural modernization in Hebei Province and even the whole country.
【作者单位】: 中央司法警官学院;河北农业大学;燕山大学;
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