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发布时间:2018-08-19 12:17
[Abstract]:State-owned S & T military enterprises are a special group of state-owned enterprises in our country. Because of its special status, planning and market are intertwined in the management of enterprises, which puts forward very special requirements to the managers of enterprises. Especially, with the rapid development of the military industry in China, the marketization of the military industry is advancing rapidly, and the proportion of foreign trade in the military products is expanding constantly. The existing incentive measures of the enterprises and the development strategy of the enterprises have exposed some inadaptability. Based on the research and analysis of China Institute of Space Technology, which is a typical representative of military enterprises, this paper finds out the deficiency of health care factors and incentive factors in the process of staff motivation. On this basis, the improvement of its incentive measures is further explored. Based on Herzberg's two-factor incentive theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, this paper makes an in-depth study on enterprises. The first part carries on the macroscopic analysis to the enterprise background and the present situation, understands its enterprise strategy and the talented person plan direction, simultaneously through the research achievement at home and abroad and the foreign enterprise incentive experience, Determine the research content and research methods: the second part of the enterprise's basic situation, management characteristics, human resource structure and the current incentive mechanism are summarized, and its problems in the management and incentive; The third part uses the method of behavior interview and questionnaire to measure the corporate culture and incentive mechanism, and further analyze the problems and reasons in the management of enterprises, and sum up. The fourth part of the third part of the analysis results from the health care factor and incentive factors two different points of view for different levels of employees directed incentive scheme. The state-owned high-tech military enterprises in China are special in general, but they are more common in the industry. Especially for the high-tech military enterprises, the technical team and the project management team are the two pillars of the development of the enterprise. Through the research on the incentive measures of China Academy of Space Technology, we can find out the general rules of the incentive for military enterprises, and lay a foundation for further improving the incentive mechanism of military enterprises in the future.


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